
Have you ever seen An Asian use Karate?

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I am curious, I see kung fu movies and karate teachers who are Asian, but I never seen a fight in reality where Asians did kung fu, or karate. Have you ever seen any fights like that in real life? As in self defense not for sport.




  1. I've only seen my sensei demonstrate techniques to us and thats it. I'd like ot see Asians start using martial arts on people public, that would look cool.

  2. well ia hve a lot of asian friends and we all take classes in MMA and I have seen them use it a few times  in bar fights and such so yes

  3. No. I've seen some martial art techniques used in fights before but never by an Asian, not in person.  On YouTube, yes, in person, no.  

  4. Hey Jessica! No that's called stereotyping and the people that made that up need to get their butt's kicked!

                                         Yo bud,

                                          Ryan (Jimmy) (Ryuuk)

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