
Have you ever seen Apocalypto?

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Atheists: How do you view the religion depicted in the movie compared to modern-day religions?

The faithful: Specific practices aside, how do you view the religion depicted in the movie as different than your own? (Yes, I know you don't practice human sacrifice. Hence the "specific practices aside" bit)




  1. I liked it, it is from a completely different perspective. But then unlike modern-day religions that live side by side, this one was the main theme of the entire stronger group, and as we are lead to presume they were to clash head on with an even stronger culture.

  2. Great movie.  Really shows how religions start.

    The main difference appeared to be that their God could be appeased.  Bible God is never happy, no matter how many die in his name.

  3. Compared to Islam, its a peaceful / loving religion.

  4. i like it. blood and all. i wish mass was still like that..

  5. First, realize that the movie was written and produced by the fanatic Mal Gibson.

    The message is clearly that the Europeans were sent by divine providence to save the Native Americans from themselves.  The author clearly misses the fact that killing for religious reasons was practiced on a huge scale in Europe as well.

    It's a great example of one sided thinking.

  6. They're virtually the same. Just a new belief. And less carnage. Well less overt carnage, anyway.

  7. yes I did...I wish I didn't, what a terrible movie!

  8. I love that movie!  I'm not Atheist BUT it DOES make you think!  All the religions throughout the centuries and all the cultures...even watching Chinese or Japanese film is amazing because that's ALOT people worshipping Buddha!  Who's right...who's wrong! ?  Too many cultures, too many religions!

  9. I liked the way it sort of "brought it to life"- the way the people lived in the jungle then.

    And I think it depicted what I think of most religions, when they their priests/shamans/whatever they called them- claim to have "special access" ONLY to the gods!  

    They all without exception, used "power over your ETERNAL SOULS" to control the people. With scare tactics.

    WE speak for GOD!! You must obey, believe us or we can d**n your soul to h**l.

    Demand taxes, and other obedience.

    ALL religions have done this.  

    Christ came and eliminated all of that. It's only each individual and God now.  No need for any other mediators.  No one has the "ins" with God now- everyone does, thru Christ.

  10. It just shows that beliefs come and go. How can we say we beleive in a God that has been here since before time when our religions and beliefs are constantly changing? Are religions arent a reflection on god they are a reflection on our times and our own morales

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