
Have you ever seen a GHOST??

by  |  earlier

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i havn't but it would really freak me out if i did!!




  1. yea 2!!

    once when i was 10, me and friend when 2 PGL (an adventure place u go 2 with school for a weekend) We was all playing a game in the woods and was told to come back out of the woods, when we got to the top and looked back down to the bottom of the woods, we saw a monk like figure walking through the woods but he was floating about 10inches above ground! me and my friend remember it as if it was yesterday!!!!!

    the other time was when i was stayin in scotland in a castle hotel, i woke up and saw a man sitting on the end of my bed reading a newspaper, and he turned round looked at me, then disapeared!

    When i woke up in the morning i shrugged it off as a dream, untill i went down 4 breakfast and over heard a man saying he saw the EXACT same thing!!!!!


  2. I personally, and i don't mean to offend anyone, but I don't believe in ghosts. I think people that do say they have seen a ghost has just been a trick of the eye or something. As when I was younger I thought I had seen a ghost but days later I saw tha same thing, This time I relaised It was a light outside reflecting onto my mirror and then onto the tv screen!

  3. yea i did, when i was a teen i thought i saw an image of my dog who had just died really creeped me out big time, i loved that dog

  4. i haven't seen them.... but i beleive in them. lik there is somethin out the ordinary real world which we do not see. lik,wy should we believe in God? its the same thing....

  5. Yes, a couple.  My parents house is haunted.  They don't hurt anybody or anything.  They just kind of walk around for a second and then disappear.  You get used to it.

  6. Yes, I've seen ghosts.

  7. Yeah I have.

    And I've also done astral projection by accident.

  8. when i was younger i thought i saw a little girl in a white dress, but i may have been dreaming O.o

  9. no

  10. If we are spirits living inside this body and when we die our sprits live on...then it makes sense to me that ghosts are real.

    They are poor souls who have not accepted their deaths from this world. They need to go into the light. They are too "earth bound".

    Yes, I have. And, it really does something to you.

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