
Have you ever seen a booger on/near your food?

by  |  earlier

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There was one on my cup, from a popular fast food restaurant.... I had to throw my drink in the trash.

Would you have been embarrassed to tell management that there was a freakin booger on your cup?




  1. NO! I would have had a frickin fit and been really pissed off!

  2. I've never had that happen but I watched a guy working at Burger King doing something that was just as gross. I was sitting in the drive thru right beside the first window where you pay. The window wasn't being used but I could see thru it. The conveyor belt that they put the burgers on to cook them was right beside the window. I could see the boy putting the burgers onto the conveyor belt. As he was standing there putting the burgers on the belt he was letting spit run out of his mouth and right before it was ready to drip off his lip he would suck it back into his mouth!! OMG I thought I was going to die! Needless to say I got my money back and asked for the manager when I finally got to the window. He apologized and said it wouldn't happen again. Didn't matter to me if it happened again. It happened and I have never gone back since.

    Wonder how many times he didn't suck that spit back in his mouth soon enough?  Yuck!!

  3. that's nasty.  i definitely would have informed management.  i don't think that i would be visiting that restaurant again, even if they gave me free food.

  4. no i havent ever and i would be emberassed

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