
Have you ever seen a ghost? Whats your story?

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Have you ever seen a ghost? Whats your story?




  1. My family and I went to tour the Hotel Del Coronado and took a lot of pictures. While we were taking some in the stairwell, I asked my wife if she felt that

    (weird feeling, not scary just weird). She told me to shut up, but when we got the picture back the ones in the stairwell had a couple of little orbs in them. None of the other had anything wrong with them. Two different cameras by the way.

  2. This happened when i was little it was my first supernatural experience that I can remember. It was one night at my old house, my dad was at work (he's a truck driver) my mom went to the store, my older brother was outside with his friends, and it was just me and my younger brother inside my house. We were watching tv, and I even remember the show we were watching. It was a cartoon about Greek mythology. We were sitting on the couch enjoying the show when I heard a loud banging upstairs. It sounded like a bowling ball hit the ground three times repeatedly, but very quickly. I started to cry and hide my head in the couch. I was surprised that my younger brother wasn't crying. I asked him "What was that?" and he said he never heard anything. I was so scared. I told my mom when she came home but she thought i was crazy.

    Another one...

    A long time ago when i was in grade 6 or 7, my younger brother always used to sleep beside me. I also have a older brother whose room is across the hall. I always slept with my door open and the light in the hallway on. On this particular night, it was off. My younger brother had awoken because he had a nightmare and he was crying. His crying woke me up. I looked in the hallway and clearly saw a man standing there. I could even see the railing from the stairs, so I know that i could really see and I wasn't imagining things in the darkness. When I saw the man I thought it was my older brother so I told my younger brother to go to him. Then my brother cried, "But there's nobody there!" I looked again and the hallway was empty. It was so scary.

    There`s more but these were answer to other people`s questions and I didn`t feel like typing them out again....

  3. I was pretty sure I was dreaming...How else could I explain it?

    My friend Laura was sitting by my fireplace and she was talking to her mom. She said she wanted to tell her mom something but she kept stuttering....I don't know what happened but then her mom was screaming at the top of her lungs and she was holding Laura's watch. Then they kind of disappeared....My mom was sitting right across from me at the table and I asked, "Did I fall asleep?" The weird thing was that my mom said no and that we were talking the whole time...

    P.S. My friend Laura and her family died in a plane crash two years before I saw them there...

  4. yes a few years ago i was asleep and suddently woke up to a manly figure standing at the foot of my bed staring at me. it was like a black shadow but the room wasn't totally dark. i had light shining from the street lamp outside and the bathroom light was on. i couldn't move or breathe for about 60 seconds and then he was suddenly gone.

    my bestfriend moved in the same complex a few years later and says she sees and hears stuff all the time.

  5. Yes.

    My and my sister do this thing were we light a candle and have cards around it, and ask questions..and someone always contacts us. And one night we said that if there is anyone here give us a sign. Well not even 2 minuters after she said this the fan that was in our window blew out on top of me(there was no wind at all this day) and the falme on the candle got very high. Me and my sister Abbie both looked at each other and then a face showed in the candle flam. after that we took off and we have never played that since. But every now and then we hear things walking around at night and shadows in the room this happend in.

  6. i have seen several but i will tell you my first one

    we ( a freind and i ) were walking down the road near a popnd , when comming the other way was mrs bevan

    she had been ill for a while, we both saw her and asked how she was , she replied im doing ok but must go

    when we got to the cafe gill bevan (her daughter) was there, we said that it was nice to see her mum was up and about,and that we had just seen her , gill ran out the cafe cry9ng sayiong  you b***** how can you be so cruel, we found out her mum had died 3 days before

    where i used to live there were three different spooks in the same place , electrics used to fail , things used to dissapear and then objects would suddenl;y shoot across the room , i had to leave, i seem to attract them

  7. Yes. Twice:

    1: When I was about 5 or 6 it was the middle of the night. Sometimes when I'm sleeping, I'll wake up to turn over or something like that. So, I woke up to turn over and when I woke up, I looked at the doorway and there was a shadowed figure. I could see faintly that it was wearing hospital robes, likes it was a patient or something. It was breathing heavily and I was really freaked out. I kept my duvet over my head all night, and never fell asleep at all.

    2: When I was about 7 or 8 I woke up at about 6 am. The rest of my family were sleeping. I needed the toilet badly so I went downstairs to the bathroom. I only had one bathroom in the house. So, when I'm finished emptying my bladder, I wash my hands and make back for my bed, but when I opened the door, something non-human, shadow like, just whized past me at about 5 metres away. I was scared out my wits and so I just sat there on the toilet seat for hours. And when I say hours, I literally mean hours. About 4 to be precise. Eventually a family member woke and and I felt safe to come out.

    To me, I found the first one scariest, because I was younger and the figure was menacing looking.

    Additional notes: Both the 1st and 2nd encounters were both at different houses.

  8. why yes, i have seen a ghost. i was on the computer late at night and she walked past me, and then disappeared. she was wearing a long white dress and had long brown hair. didn't see her face or anything just her back. there are other instances but not so ghostly.

  9. Yes. He was in my uncles flat. Scared me a lot. Didn't say anything, just walked past us and then disappeared. We both saw him..

  10. Yes me and my friend both have, I was at my friends house and it was just me and her, no one else was home. We went downstairs from her room to her brothers room and there was a man standing in the door way to her brothers room. We were frozen, he looked at us and then turned and walked into the room. I grabbed my cell phone getting ready to call the cops and we ran into the room to make sure he didn't get away and there was no one there. Later when her parents got home, we told them the whole story, they finally told us that a man had killed himself in that house, they even took us into the room and turned on a black light and you could see the blood spattered on the wall and a hole in the ceiling where the bullet went through the ceiling. And now, if you sit in the room in the dark you can feel some one watching you and the hair on the back of you neck stand straight up an you get goose bumps. It was pretty scary.

  11. yes. it was freaky.

    i was at the park with my friend, and there was this little girl, maybe 6 or 7.

    she kept walking by us, and she was wearing a victorian style dress. she came up to me and my friend and said "my name is liberty rose"  and me and my friend looked away for a sec. and then she was gone.

  12. All my life and too many stories to relate here.

  13. Me and around six mates were around 12-13 ,we were all hanging around an old ruined building ,as we were leaving we all seen a man and woman dressed in wedding dress and suit floating up the path.We all ran home s**+**ing ourselves,this was very very real,and ever since i have always beleived in ghosts.

  14. I have always had spirits around me.  My entire life.  There ae spirits all around.  The veil between the worlds is very thin.

  15. YES - went for a shave this morning and there it was in my mirror! very scary!

  16. I was at kenilworth castle in the west midlands after closing time because there is a bit of a field there where we liked to walk the dog and just have a walk around the grounds and i looked up at the window where i saw a woman dressed in old fashioned clothes, i shouted at my mom 'how come theres someone up there when its past closing time?' she said 'what are you on about there is no-one there' and when i looked back up sure enough they had gone, i then discovered that the window is actually not on a floor so there is no possible way for anyone to stand at that window, it used to be a room but now its not accessible to anyone.

  17. Yes, and I still can't talk about it.

    I would like to someday though.

  18. no but i would like to.

  19. when i was a little girl we used to walk down a small lane next to a big old tudor house.  I remember seeing a lady in a lovely lace wedding dress and a man in very old victorian style clothes.  They were right next to us.  I asked my mum who they were and she said there was no one there.  I didn't think anything of it as i was a kid but looking back it must've been ghosts.

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