
Have you ever seen a ghost before??

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I would love to hear about it.Please be serious.

Have you ever had any experience with ghosts?

i would love to hear about that also!




  1. When I was 10  my sister and I shared a bed room.I woke up in the middle of the night to a woman sitting on my bed crying with her hands covering her face.I sat up next to her,thinking it was my sister,I asked her why she was crying and went to give her a hug.My arms went right threw her,chills went threw my body and I threw the covers over my head.I told my mom about it the next morning and she told me that a woman was accidentally shot by her husband in that house while he was cleaning his gun supposedly not knowing there was a bullet in the gun.She also had a daughter that was the same age as me at the time of the accident.I never saw her again.

  2. I'll be serious: yeah, I saw a ghost, in the kiddies' TV cartoons. MEET CASPER THE FRIENDLY GHOST!

  3. Yep! I was picking a friend up at work and  on the way back home there was a yard that had a Amish buggy in the front yard for a decoration. I seen this white figure of a woman dressed exits the buggy and walk in front of my car this figure looked so real that I stopped my car and waited for it to cross the street. Once it reached the other side it just simply vanished into thin air. I turned to my friend and asked if she seen it? She said seen what? I said seen the woman crossing the road! She said I didn't see anything! And she then said I wondered what you were stopping for? I said never mind! Drove on home. I really didn't like go past that corner and it wasn't long that the people owned the buggy took it out of the yard.  

  4. I have.  Growing up my sister and I actually "spoke" with the ghost.  We saw him quite often.  We even knew his name, and when my mother checked into things, he had lived in our house years before and died there.  It was not a scary experience at all.

  5. Ever since my cat scooter was put to sleep. My sister, mom and me see her sometimes. But my sis had the scariest experience with her. My dad has never even seen her ghost.

  6. just a few months ago i woke up and saw a little girl beside my bed her arm was straight out over across cat was at my  window hissing... truth..but has soon as i sat up in bed my daughter yelled out whos that she saw a boy on her wall i could see it too..truth also.......

  7. My mom used to have a lot of birds and my room used to be the old birds room. So @ bedtime I was in the hallway and the light of my room was off. So I go to turn it on and what do I see? The ghost of my mom's cockatiel who'd been dead for 8 years right next 2 my pillow! I turned the lights on and the cockatiel turned into a yellow orb and dissapearred! And there was that one time I was in my room crying and a face seemed to push through the wall as if the wall was made of plastic wrap. And my parents were trying to catch my bird Peyton and I was sitting behind the loveseat and one of my mom's parakeets who'd been dead for 5 years was flying around in circles nearby. I was the only one that saw him unless Peyton had seen him too. I'll never know if Peyton had seen the parakeet cuz he might not remember and I don't speak pigeon.

  8. Well , my old apartment when i was living with my mom (i was about grade 4-7 i actually started noticing some weird things happening.)

    When me and my friends were playing in my room , we were playing

    with my dolls and we put them at front end of the bed , and we left for a minute , and when we came back they were on the back end of the bed.

    Also my mom would work nights so when i was sleeping in my bedroom (i had my door open) i would feel like i`m not alone , and once i heard some voices whispering my name coming from the living room , so i went to go check but nothing was there , and the last thing , was every night i would see a little boy standing out side my bedroom by a bookshelf ., about 2 weeks before we were going to move out of the house, the boy came the closest he`s ever been , he came right up to my door . And that was the last night i saw him.

  9. yes ive seen many spirits in my life... have you??? why r you so interrested

  10. Yes I have years ago I was cleaning in a church with somebody else and we both saw the Ghost of a priest who had died. All the doors were locked in the area he appeared, he was just walking and went through a wall. Scared the life out of us and we run out the other way of the Church and no I didn't go back in on my own for a long time. I didn't find out until later that there was story that the church was haunted and the toilet kept flushing by itself weird I know but true story!.

  11. I have been in many seances and talked to spirits, and I've seen brief flashes of one or two, but never like a full-detailed moving one. I am kind of afraid to, which is weird considering all the seances I've been in and all the mediumship work I've done. I definitely believe in ghosts!

  12. yes I have

  13. Whenever i go round my friends house and we sit in the lounge, i always see a reflection on a man walking by in tennis clothes (white polo top, white shorts, white trainers) in the glass doors seperating the two rooms. However, the curtains are always shut in both rooms when i see this so it always freaks me out because i dont know where man in the door is coming from!

  14. Yes I have seen many. Once i was living at my aunts house for a while weird things wwas happening. like tv turning off by itself when i was watching it. when taking a bath you hear kids laughing in the hall way.

    there was no other kid except me.I was in my room watching tv than some white figure went by and looked at me i ran to see what it was than it vanished. (No one was in the house except me and my bro).

    When i was younger i see lots of spirts...

  15. yes i have and it's scary.but i am not scared of ghost anymore.  

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