
Have you ever seen a ghost? how real was it?

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details details details. is seeing a ghost as real as seeing real person?




  1. I did when I saw this pic

  2. Oh yeah, they're real. I was in my house at like 3 in the morning, I looked and I saw someone sitting on my couch and I blinked and it was gone. The next day I sat in the same spot and it was really cold I got up and I was back to room temp. I think its my grandpa, but im not 100%. It can be anything from a feeling to a sighting to a sound it all depends on who they were, who you are and what you are doing.

  3. it can be anything from seeing a real person to just a gut feeling of knowing something is doesnt just happen by accident.if u see a ghost or spirit it is because it wants to be seen by you.depending on the strength it can look and feel like a real person or it can just be a vague image of one...maybe even just the voice or the touch.that feeling you get where u swear somebody said something or u could be sure it felt like somebody was there is them trying to contact u.u may only get the feeling but not see them either because they dont want to be seen or that u dont have a strong connection.just keep your mind and eyes open and hope one reveals itself to you.

  4. Well, for me it was kinda hard to tell. Because sometimes I just see shadows passing by which can be something else from a ghost or this one time, I saw someone floating and then they dissapeared but somtimes weird stuff happen and yeah. It really just depends. Don't know if it was a ghost or my imagination....

  5. IS there such a thing?

  6. Yes it is, If your lucky enough to see one.

    Sometimes they mess around with electricity, I once got a phone call and it went on my answering machine, It said it was from a hospital but when I clicked read I heard a bunch oh noises muffled and someone trying to talk it wasn't clear at all and it wasn't really words - It was a spirit.

    You will only see spirits if you believe in them.

    If you have a friend in a room with you and you can see a spirit and your friend cant that probably means it's just trying to contact with you, Like if you had a family member pass away it will protect you, My aunt recently died and Around midnight one night a person was trying to get into my house and did but got scared off by police sirens and the police woke up and asked us if we called them because they said they got a call from our house but we didn't call so it mustve been my aunt .

    Spirits can sometimes choose if they want you to see them or not.

  7. Seeing a ghost is different than seeing a real person. For one, it won't be full body until it lives as a spirit long enough to create a full body apparition. It may start out as a shadow, an orb, or even just a voice. Unless that person has spiritual powers as a human. There will be either a cold feeling or a warm feeling, depending on wheather the ghost is good or bad. I have a lot more information on spirits if you'd like to know more, email me.

  8. i have only seen one ghost wich was my grandpa.i was about  8 or 9 and he was sitting on  a rocking chair.he looked so real but a little bit faded away.well he waved at me.and i waved back,my dad said who are you waving at and i said grandpa.and he said theres nobody there,and when i looked he faded away.i will never forget that moment.sometimes when im at a store or sumthin i see people that look exactly like i guess that lets me kno he's watchin over me

  9. Personally its not. Its like seeing an illusion. Its hard to describe.

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