
Have you ever seen a ghost? if not, check this out?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Are you trying to give someone a heart attack?



  3. oww my knee. omegosh that was class. v good. i also git my knee on the desk. yay happiness all over. my gosh that scared me. gees. you diserve a star for that :D here have one on the house

  4. I jumped! It scared me to death.


  5. whoa!

  6. Ghosts aren't real, there just your imagination, like on the ghost programmes, you can't see anyone else, so it could be them all along, it's all a fake!

  7. I saw that one coming, lol.  Im always wary of things like that i've seen loads of them

  8. I'm sending you the cleaning bill for my computer chair.....and my carpet

  9. I was expecting that, but it still scared the h**l out of me! XD

  10. cute

  11. OMG!!  Nothing ever seems to scare me; I watch horror movies by myself, I read things that are scary (true crime and psychological thrillers, etc.) and I have NEVER jumped so much in my life!!!  

    ESPECIALLY because I was right here in front of the monitor and the sound turned up!!!!   d**n!!!!!  

    I sooooo did not see that coming!!  HA HA!  

    Are ya TRYING to make people s*it themselves!!!!  GEEZ!!!   lol

  12. That`s nowt when you`ve seen the real thing!

  13. That's a great one ! Considering that I have actually encountered with something that must have been ghosts thrice. The 1st time, I thought I have must have some epilepsy attack. I woke up in the middle of one night and became suddenly conscious of my surroundings but I can't move my body. It was like I was detached and have no control. The 2nd time, I was in the Intercontinental hotel in Lahore, Pakistan. I was really disturbed by something that kept tugging at my comforter each time I closed my eyes. After my initial fears turned into anger, I gave it (whatever it was) a tongue lashing and it never appeared again for the next 3 days that I was there. The last time and I am really convinced, was during a trip to the interiors of Indonesia. In the middle of the night, I was woken up (or thought I was) by a sound that was not exactly a sound or perhaps even a wind but it was like a big WHOOSH and I suddenly became aware that something was on to me. I was conscious but I could not move just like in the first case. I was sharing room with a colleague and I tried calling his name. It came out (or I thought it to be so) in a very slow-motion like monotone. When it was gone, it was almost like a dream and I was relief and fell back to sleep. Well maybe it was epilepsy like the 1st time but the next morning, my colleague told me that he saw an apparition - no blood & dripping fangs mind you but like a piece of white silk floating and finally settling on his feet and holding him down. Like me he was relief after the brief moment of "attack" and got back to sleep. I got to the conclusion that these paranormal happenings are real but they do happen at odd times when our dimension & theirs clashed. If you are seeing very human-like ghostly apparitions, then these are most likely figments of your imagination. Real stuffs are formless and I dare say harmless too. These experiences made me less fearful.

  14. No thanks. Been there, done that, bought the Tshirt. lol

  15. Nope

  16. That's horrible.

  17. haha

    very good yes ive seen a few ghosts

  18. LOL..I jump!

  19. sorry I can't see it because u tube is banned in this country.

  20. Rof!!!  I knew that's what it was and I've seen similar ones like that (like a car commercial type one) but it gets me every time!!!  My husband didn't even see it, he's behind my laptop, and it scared the c**p out of him too.  Love those, bravo to you!!!

  21. Luckily the phone rang just as i started it so didn't get the full effect, but the effect i did get made me nearly sh*t myself. I have copied and pasted it to my 93 year old grandpa though just for a laugh!!!!!

  22. Zzzzzz

  23. omg! that was ace! soon as this ghost appeared my dog ran straight out of the room! lol xx

  24. I was expecting that but it made my kitten jump.....its okay his gone back to sleep now....

  25. lol... I've seen this before.  First time I saw it I was watching w/ my hubby... We were sitting here w/ our faces all close to the screen, looking intently for the 'ghost.'  I think we both peed our pants and fell out of our chairs at the same time.  

    Good times, good times.

  26. I have seen a ghost. It was scary

  27. It's a good job I'd just been to the toilet, otherwise I'd have pooh'd myself!

    Very funny!

  28. lol, that is a good one, seen it before though, i still jumped!!!

  29. blob on yogi

  30. LOL, good one.

  31. that was awesome...i never usually jump to things like this, but this one scared the **** out of me!

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