
Have you ever seen a ghost in your house?

by  |  earlier

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This section is well hidden I asked this same question in Society and culture/mytholgy & Lore and they told me to ask it here. So, have you? I have and it was a good apparation, It was a jet black apparation and I saw it in the dark. It was just standing in my living room motionless and about 6' tall. Haven't seen it since. That was about 4 years ago. Also I've seen several cats in black wonder apparations.




  1. I run accross these things in alot of investigations what you described is refered to a shadow person please ignore the rude comments by some of the skeptics like big bear who is way out of line .It sounds like you had a isolated incident and no other activity is reported so I would not worry to much if it happened four years ago and has not happened since

  2. yes i have but i try to find every reason for what it could have been but there have been some that i just could not explain.

    are last house the youngest son who lived there before died in the house so when i saw what i saw and heard what heard i understood what it could have been. also in the house were i live now , 2 people died one from old age and one from a disease,   and again have seen things heard thing even been scratched and grabbed by the arm. I'm not afraid of it at all I'm actually very in too the paranormal so i like it and i like to try to find reasons of what it could have been other then a ghost, if something weird shows up i a picture i will try to figure it out and try to find out what it really is, i guess you could say i have a little bit of skeptic in me , lol! i really don't believe every thing i see or hear.

    but i have never see any kind of animal before, that's pretty cool . lol!

  3. Yes

    When I was young, my great grandmother had passed away and my mother moved me into her room.  I woke up in the middle of the night and their was a gold haze at the foot of the bed.  It had a malevolent feeling to it.  I ran out of the room and never went back in their.

    I am still getting goose bumps just typing this response to your question.

  4. No, and I didn't thought about it. Because, I'm rely not believe in ghost.

  5. while I have not seen one in my house, my daughter swears she did twice. I regularly walk through my home telling anything it was not invited and it is not welcome, leave at once. even though I dont have one now, I want to be safe than sorry.

  6. Yes, several times when I was a kid.  My parents unwittingly rented a house in which the owner had died.  The apparition usually looked like a cloud of grayish smoke that moved around rapidly -- about the same speed as a person walking fast.  There were a few times though when you could distinctly see the form of an older man.

    He, or "it", never did anything harmful to us, but did seem very angry about our presence.  There was a lot of loud banging on the walls and things moving by themselves.  It always happened in a deliberate manner that would scare the c**p out of you.  I believe it was the the owner trying to get us out of his house.

  7. It's been about 2 months sense the last one, it was our donkey that died a week before.  I've seen those black shadow guys too. Last one was about 2 years ago.

  8. i have seen a few, (spirits) in my home, differnet homes, as ive moved a few times, ive seen one in particular a full blown apparation, that was my first haunting experience..(in italy)..ive had other things happen, i can feel when something is in my pressence....

    note... there are alot of skeptics here and this is in the science and maths section, and since science cannt prove that ghosts are real, you will get a lot of answers from skeptics of the paranormal.... lol( that last bit makes me sound like a skeptic).....

    and this question gets asked all the time....

    has anyone ever seen a ghost?

    so you might not get alot of answers....

    i just thought id let you know since you are new here.......

    ive deleted my comments to BIG rude can one be, that was just over the top of rudeness, and he was new as well..

  9. Hallucinations may be evidence of a psychological disorder.

  10. last friday i was watching tv and i was sitting on my couch and my couch faces a big archway into my dining room i heard the floor creak and when i looked into my diningroom i saw a shadow in the carpet like someone was standing in the doorway of my diningroom/kitchen (another doorway adjacent to the archway from the couch i can't see this doorway) and this shadow had a head and shoulder form and i know for a fact it was reflected off my tv and it was a very small shadow it fit in the carpet in my diningroom i stand around 5'10 1/2'' and my shadow goes into the livingroom so it would have been the shadow of a small child...

  11. Hey weas...Welcome...I'm the one who recommended you come over here. Please disregard what that first person said...he's a skeptic. You'll get a lot of that.But, hang around here and you'll learn a lot. I wouldn't have known about the 'shadow" people if someone on here hadn't mentioned it. You can google about it. I don't know if it's true...but evidently somebody believes in them or it wouldn't be in google. Hope you stay with us and ask more questions. Not many people know this section is here so we don't get all that many questions. Later...


    Two commonly-reported types of shadow people.

    Accounts of shadow people typically describe them as being black humanoid silhouettes with no discernible mouths, noses, or facial expressions, though accounts also exist of them being child-sized humanoids or shapeless masses that sometimes change to a more human like form. The eyes are usually not described as being discernible but in some reports glowing eyes are mentioned. The color of the eyes is red. Generally, they are described as lacking mass, though their specific nature varies from a two-dimensional shadow to a vaporous or distorted three-dimensional form (as though made out of smoke or steam). Their movement is often described as being very quick and disjointed; they may first move slowly, as if they were passing through a heavy liquid, and then rapidly "hop" to another part of a witness's surroundings. Some witnesses describe this movement as though the shadow entities they have seen "danced" from one wall to the next, or as moving around the room "as if they were on a specific track". Rarely, they are seen "standing" in the middle of doorways or off the wall. Often they are described as being seen staring at the floor. Some accounts describe what appears to be the outline of a cloak, and in some instances the outline of a 1930s style fedora hat. This last type is referred as the "hat-man". [1][3]

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