
Have you ever seen a ghost or UFO? What was it like?

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Family members of mine have seen ghosts, and I once saw a UFO in my very own neighborhood! If you have seen anything, please explain!




  1. Yes ~ UFO(s), click link to read my stories...

  2. No! I don't think they are real.

  3. never seen an UFO but ghosts i have seen... it really gives you the chills up ur back.. and when u touch one its ice cold. but its pretty kool... i love haunted places.. yea it scares the c**p out of you at first but after wards its like.. WOW.. that was kinda neat

  4. I didn't and i don't think they are real either.


    Whats UFO?

  5. I've personally seen several types of ufos, and a friend of mine has excellent high definition ufos of various origins on film.

    I have also photographed semi-materilaised beings in my house and garden with digital flash photography - 1 in 20 photos show stuff. [its like we're at the bottom of a pond]

    and I've interacted with ETs too ... there are negatives and positives in both my experience and opinion.

    I have some photos of those too.

  6. I have researched the paranormal for many years and have seen plenty of ghost as well as felt them been slapped hit held down and knocked on my backside more then i care to count. The feeling is different depending on what type your talking about as some are harmless and some well lets just say are not pleasant to be around. I have friends who stayed in my house but never made it through the night and those that tried refuse to come back. So yeah I believe. as for UFO's I seen one back in 1980 in Nashville Tennessee. what people get confused about is a UFO can be anything except you just do not know what it is. as goes the unidentified.

    what i saw was a large glowing disk that did not move for over an hour. I got coworkers to come and see which they did and no one could explain what it was. one said it was a weather balloon but I had worked before at the airport and know what a weather balloon looked like and that was not it.

    The glow was like a yellowish orange and no it wasn't the setting sun because i could see that too. and i know it was much closer as it was at least three times the size to look at it. and the good part was that when it decided to move it moved to the right fast enough we all had to turn our heads then shot straight up until it was out of sight. the movement did not match anything known on earth.

  7. i have never seen a ghost, cause they are not real! but UFOs yes, not flying saucers, just a "unidentifiable flying object" i don't believe in the little green men visiting us. i like the movies about them but.. i do 100% believe their is life somewhere else in this universe, weather it be plants, worms, or germs.. possibly intelligent life

  8. I have not seen what you call ghosts or UFOs so far.

    I do not say they are not real, because I don't know.

    I can imagine seeing my grandfather, who past away in 1956, and I can visualize a picture the way he did look like. I can imagine smelling certain flowers in grandma's garden and I can visualize her.

    You can look into the sky and see light reflections making up different forms, with imagination it could be a UFO.

    You can look into the clouds and see angels, faces, people, animals. Your brain relates the form to something you know and think of.

  9. I saw what appeared to be a UFO once.  It was around sunset, and as typical, the craft was in the sunlight, obscuring our view.  As the sun got lower, we got a better view.  It appeared saucer shaped, had no lights on it (even as it became night) and hovered for about 3 hours.  It seemed far away, and would hover at a 45 degree angle, take long banana shaped arch paths and rest at the opposite 45 degree angle.  Quite strange.  I took a picture of it, I must confess it looks so fake that I don't bother offering it up as proof, despite the fact I was there and took the picture.

  10. i had seen UFOs,and it was huge,it was in the morning 3:a.m.

    and the manner that object was traveling in the air,in a random manner was incredible,due to the proportions of that object

  11. Yeah, both and both equally scary. The Flying Saucer stopped right over our heads,and just sat there. Well hovered there. I really think it was out to get my sister and myself,but when our other brothers and sisters ran out to see, it probably said, "No Way, not that many kids! It zoomed away. I don't like talking about the ghost. I'm getting ready to go to bed.And that's SCARY!

  12. i work on ocean going ships and twice i saw ghosts, or spirits, but i believe they r here to help us and not harm us

  13. I have never seen a UFO. I did see a ghost when I was in the 7th grade (1978 or so). It appeared to be a man walking across a doorway (very quickly). I asked my aunt who was there and she said no one. I searched the entire house (closets, under the bed, etc.) looking for him but never found anyone. My aunt believed and accepted their was a ghost in her house so it was no big deal. Although, I thought she was crazy until I saw it myself.

    Michael John Weaver

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