
Have you ever seen a guy with a tattoo on his lower back?

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Have you ever seen a guy with a tattoo on his lower back?




  1. i've only ever seen guys with full back pieces that go down to the bottom of they're backs. . .

  2. yes, a handfull actually.  

  3. nope never!

  4. heeeellll no!

  5. I have a dolphin on my lower back

  6. As a singular one, no. As part of a piece, yes :)

  7. Yea i know 2 guys who have them..Dont look very good!

  8. yeah A tramp stamp style one.

  9. Lower back is for girls only... unless its part of a larger peice

  10. Ted on "How I Met Your Mother". He got w-a-s-t-e-d and a girl got him to get a butterfly tramp stamp. Funny as h**l.

  11. I have actually, they are a lot cooler than I would have expected.  

  12. actually, no.


  13. Yes I have, and it looked great!

  14. Yea i was watching this skating thing and the guy on the half pipe had one. He was Russian though so i don't know if it was like his culture, religion or something...

    but yea it was  kinda gross..

  15. yes,but it was a full body tat.though...

    As far as just 1 tat on the lower back on a man ,no.i can not say that i have.i am a little conscious of this because i have several tats and i am always looking at other peoples work.

  16. Can't say I have.

  17. Yeah, but he wasn't dressed as a guy at that time.  It was a tranny-tramp-stamp.

  18. hahahha yes one of my mates has a crappy tribal dragon on his lower back it was his second tattoo and boy has he copped some stick for it!! Classic crappy tramp stamp!!!  

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