
Have you ever seen a kid do this?

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Have you ever seen a kid become so frustrated by schoolwork (at home) that they cry and pull their hair/hit themselves, even though they seem to be a smart kid? What do you think is causing it, and is there any way to help?




  1. Yes, I do this allllllllllllll the time but Ive never hit myself I just take deep breaths.

  2. I'm 14 and I have avg grade, but at times it can become stressful due to lack of sleep, friend troubles, family stress the list is endless really. So just tell them to take a ten min break and come back once they have take a breath or two.

  3. Yes sometimes. My oldest son does it sometimes. It's caused by stress. Sit them down and show them what to do to deal with the stress rather than that.

  4. Has your son had trouble like this all along? He may have ADHD or be bipolar. I know bipolar disorder tends to intensify with age, so he may be struggling with that if it has become worse over time.

    Kids with ADHD can also exhibit this behavior. They get so frustrated and have so much energy that they don't know what to do with it. They implode, if you will.

    Ask your pediatrician to refer you to an excellent pediatric psychiatrist. They'll do an intake interview that lasts about 90 minutes, and they will be able to help your child understand and manage all they're dealing with. Medication does not solve everything, but it can be helpful.

    Your son's school teacher can also be a great help in this situation. You can sign a form that allows the teacher to evaluate your child's behavior, which assists your doctor(s) in diagnosing the problem. If the school has a psychologist, they can provide support and guidance for both you and your child. Definitely call the school.

    I have a son who has ADHD, PTSD, and bipolar tendencies. It is extremely difficult, and it's heartbreaking. It's so hard to know what to do and to know how to help these kids.

    Hang in there. Your child needs you. You'll be able to help him. Just get all the help and support you can. And be sure to take care of yourself, too.

  5. I'm not sure how old your child is, but my 7 year old is a very good student, however he can get frustrated VERY easily and lose his cool over homework.  He's never pulled his hair or hit himself, but he has thrown a pencil across a room and erased the entire page for 1 little mistake.  

    He's probably just frustrated and doesn't know how to express it properly.  When does he do his homework, right after school or does he play first?  I find that if my son has a snack and plays for a while, he is better at doing his homework.  They've been at it all day in school, so the break can help.   I also have him take deep breaths and express what's bothering him.  Sometimes kids expect more of themselves when they are good students, so little mistakes can really grate on them.  

    Try talking to your child about a better way to vent their frustration.  If that doesn't work, talk to the guidance counselors at school, perhaps they have some tips to help.  Hope this helps.  Good luck!

  6. HI. My 8 yr old son, a 2nd grader does this. Well, he did before he got medicine. He has ADHD and bi-polar. He has an I.Q. of 114, and is awesome. He can do the work, but often gets EXTREMELY frustrated, because he doesn't get the answer right away, or it is taking too long because there is a lot of work. He is in ESE now, and it is much better. They cut the work in half! He has actually went on a rampage of messing up the entire room, throwing things, pulling his hair out, punching himself, and it was just terrible. He also had to get glasses, because he couldn't see what he was reading, and he thought he was "dumb".  I might have something similar. I would look up ADHD, Bipolar, and Torretts Syndrome.. ( I am not sure how to spell that last one) I know it may sound weird, but there are many different forms and symptoms other than the stereotypical or television views. I would definitely get the child tested or evaluated. We now have a MUCH more peaceful home because of it. I HOPE that helps. :) Best wishes.

  7. I used to do it. I know that pulling hair and hitting himself may not be very good, I know cases in which they become suicidal, later in life. Tell him that he is made perfect in God and that he should not get so upset, tell him that God will always help him and that if he gets upset to squeeze a stress relieving toy (pretending its homework if he wants! :-)) and make sure he is not to abusive. I used to get really upset if I couldnt draw something the way it looked in my head, and look at me now, an artist! God bless, I will pray for you and your son/daughter! GOD BLESS!

  8. This seems like anxiety. The child may feel they need to push themselves to perform and succeed, and they become very anxious when they think they may not succeed (Even if they are very bright). Perhaps they need to have someone teach them to regulate their emotions and anxiety, and show them that it is OK to get it wrong.

  9. I used to do it. Just lead the kid to a quiet place, close the door, and let them calm down before making them do their schoolwork.

  10. No, I AM a kid. But I think you should remind them that it's not how well they do but how hard they try that matters. Then if they don't do so well but try their best they will still be happy and keep working their hardest. Tell them that it's not a big deal, make them get up and walk away from the homework, do something fun for maybe 10 min and then say, OK back to work!

    ^don't do this too often or it will make them procrastinators (spelling?) whenever they do work, they will get used to taking a 10 min break or longer and will put things off too much.


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