
Have you ever seen a real miracle? Tell me about it?

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If not, tell about a time when God did something big in your life that made you feel inside that you knew for sure he exists.




  1. I think God has been more real to me than any other time in my life over the last 6 years as I've watched my Dad fight cancer.  We've had miserable days where we didn't think we could take another step and God sent friends to encourage us, lift us up, pray with us.  There have been doctor's reports where they literally have said, "hmmm, not sure how this is possible, but you're improving when there's no medical reason for it."  My dad still has cancer, still is going through treatment but he's held on 6 years when they only gave him 3 years.

    To the atheist, its just medical science.  To me I couldn't have gotten through any of this without God providing for my needs, for my family's needs.  I've been in despair and the next moment had complete peace that everything was going to be ok.

    I know none of that is "proof", but that's why faith is required.

    In the New Testament, Jesus healed 10 lepers of leprosy.  Only 1 came back and thanked him and acknowledged that He was the son of God.  Seeing obviously isn't believing.

  2. I can't open my eyes without seeing them beyond number.

    Or maybe someone can tell me why sub atomic matter gathers into atomic structure, and then into specific types of atomic structure, and then into complex atomic structures, that then form the basis of even further complex elements, that then combine into chemical and material compounds, that then combine to form living single cell organisms, that then combine to from complex multi-cell organism where each cell preforms a single task to the benefit of the whole organism...... ad noisome

    Of course this happens not just for us but all that sustains us and adds enjoyment to our lives to include all seen and unseen things in or known universe.

    Yea your right... its got to be just chance.  How crazy for anyone to think that miracles are real!

  3. The female o****m....

    Need I say more, males?  

  4. yes quite a few....ive had 2 biopsies...both benign

    He sent me my husband also....too many to list

  5. There is no such thing as a miracle, there are only things which science cannot yet explain.

    Also, hate to break it to you, but the big man ain't up there...

    In case you didn't notice, I'm Atheist,


  6. i dont believe in god,im an atheist!!

  7. I was born with Spina Bifida and my doctors told my parents that i wouold never walk. After a lot of prayers I am able to walk with the aid of leg braces and crutches. I was also told I would never have any kids. My husband and I have a beautiful, healthy 19 month old son.

  8. I was raised Catholic, in Utah. A Mormon was trying to get me converted into the Mormon church. No matter how many times I said I'm Christian, I'm strong in my belief, no, no, no. I felt like she had me trapped, so I gave in and said I would be baptised into thier church. The date was set for Christmas Eve. I spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day with my family. I told my family that I was going to be baptised into the Mormon church, and not to try to talk me out of it. They were shoched and mortified,but they gave me thier blessings. I cant drive so the guy came to pick me up. My family tried one last attempt to talk me out of going, I went out to the guy and said, "I changed my mind I'm not going." He said, "We told you the devil would do this to you," I looked at him and repeated "I,m not going." turned around and walked into the other room. I was congradulated and thanked for coming out of...

    After all this I went to stay with my sister in Cody, Wyoming where I started going to church with her and her family. I forgot to mention that my family and I had stopped going to church had stopped worshipping our beloved God. I told you I don't drive I didn't mention why, I can't I'm disabled I had a brain tumor when I was nine, I had 99% chance of dieng that year;  today I am 40.  I went back home decided I must change my life, packed up and was in Wyoming in a month. After I moved to Wyoming I was going to church every Sunday, I got saved. It was 3such a great thing for me. It had been two years; our paster was leaving we had decided to get baptized the year before but nothing became of it (sometimes I felt it was my own fault, because I was following) anyway we got baptized before they moved. Now I am a born again Christian. (I do understand it isn't because I got baptized)

  9. I have seen many miracle done by the power of the Melchizedek Priesthood, but they are sacred, (healing, mental spiritual physical). LDS

  10. my daughters Lupus of 4 years disappeared, no trace.

  11. I've all of a sudden had all enough money for all my bills after praying - all the number were the same, and I'd used a calculator, but all of a sudden I had enough money.

    I did the speed limit but should've been late as it should've taken another hour to make the distance, but I was ontime.  Now THAT was a Christmas miracle.

  12. Don't hold your hand on your bumm.

  13. no, that`s why i`m atheist

  14. my friend got hit by a car and he said he was going towards the light and then he saw jesus and he came back, but that's not the miracle, he thinks that he has the power to heal people now and it was proved a bird fell out of a tree and tried to fly but itcouldn'tt but them my friend touched it and it flew!

  15. My three kids, Doctors kept saying adopt, "that would be your only chance at kids". That's all I got.

  16. I'm not sure if it was God exactly.

    My life had never been really all that easy, it was pretty bleak, I was suicidal and I self harmed. But then in high school I finally met the people who were my true friends (the ones in the past just left me in the end and it was more of convenience than general liking).

    I believe in miracles because I found them, they helped me through all the bad times when I'd given up hope on everything and I didn't see hope anymore at all.

  17. A lot of things have happened that make me feel that way, but they are too personal and meaningful to me to put out there to be trashed by people who are skeptical and simply looking to mock people for their belief.

  18. This kind of isn't a miricle but something weird was definatly going on!

    For Christmas one year I got tarot (fortune reading) cards as a laugh.  I got them out the pack later on in the day to look at all the pictures on them and when I got to the devil card I held it up to everyone in the room as a joke.  As I did the lights flashed on and off!  It was so weird!

    Then, even later on in the day I did a tarot card reading for my grandad (who was at that time made a widower) and the hermit card came up.  When I looked up what it meant it was spooky how much it made sense!

  19. Yes, everyday.  Every moring I wake up and see the sunshine or see teh gradure of the mountains and the vastness of the open see, I am in awe of God's miraculous creation and its beauty.

  20. "yes quite a few....ive had 2 biopsies...both benign

    He sent me my husband also....too many to list"

    honestly, fireball? you believe those things constitute miracles? you must be ******* kidding me. what a ridiculously low standard.


    "I've all of a sudden had all enough money for all my bills after praying - all the number were the same, and I'd used a calculator, but all of a sudden I had enough money.

    I did the speed limit but should've been late as it should've taken another hour to make the distance, but I was ontime. Now THAT was a Christmas miracle."

    BAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! do you think MAYBE, perhaps that you just suck at math and none of those things were miracles, but miscalculations on your part?

  21. still waiting, but know many who say they had 1st hand knowledge, i keep asking your very question, answers to my question :  keep trying to get closer to god and doing his will, when you are no longer longing to witness one, you will

  22. The closest thing to a miracle I see every day is people who believe in god regardless of all the contradictions, and illogicality of it all.


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