
Have you ever seen a similarity between the colors of the planets and those of the chakras?

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base red mars

reproductive orange venus

hara yellow sun

plexus green neptune

throat blue uranus

3rd eye white mercury (grey)

crown violet pluto




  1. Actually, Venus is white to yellowish, not orange. Neptune is bluish as opposed to green. Pluto is light brown instead of violet. See the link below for reference. By the way, what happened to Jupiter and Saturn? They're the two biggest planets and they don't merit their own chakra colors? Why not? Seems unfair.

    Seriously, since nobody can show that a chakra even exists let alone that it has colors, I don't see how a comparison can be made. And why of all things would there be a correspondence with the colors of planets, anyway?

  2. Very good observance my Big Monster...makes sense as well as to the meaning of the chakras and it's corresponding know, like root red chakra = material manifestations and the planet mars in astrology = action/manifestations.

    *It is worth researching further; to compare and contrast.

  3. You do realize the idea of chakras are symbolic at most, right?  They, like astrology, are not supported by any sort of evidence.

  4. Very very interesting! Yet another example that everything is connected and there are hidden meanings in nature itself for us!

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