
Have you ever seen a street fight where a woman pummeled a man?

by  |  earlier

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example if possible.a man who does not respect the insulting man (by example).




  1. Yeah, a few years ago leaving a party for some friends on their anniversary. Me and my girl were leaving the bar along with another couple, and my girl starts grabbing my arm and yelling. I look to see what's wrong with her and see she is staring at this couple on the other side of the parking lot. We start heading that way because the guy has the girl pinned to the side of an suv and is like bouncing her off of it. Before we get half way there he gives her just a hair too much space and she knees him in the groin and then repeats it like 4 or 5 more times. I was well on my way to being full blown drunk which is pretty rare for me, but at that moment I thought that was so funny I literally fell down in the parking lot laughing. I look over from the ground and the guy is rolling around on the ground and the girl is now kicking the c**p out of this guy. My buddy helped my girl get me up and we went over and stopped her and told her to get gone before the police showed up.

    He got EXACTLY what was coming to him in my book. Any man that hits a woman is something considerably less than a man and deserves to be beat daily as far as I'm concerned. I wish I had it on video, I could just watch it from time to time for a good hard laugh!!

  2. Yeah watch an episode of Cops or Jerry Springer when the big black girl finds out her little white bf is a pimp or selling drugs or cheating.

  3. No, but I've seen my best friend's mom full-on punch her husband (the mother's) in the face several times. Most of the time it broke his nose and sent him falling over backwards.

  4. No, but I broke a man's nose with one punch.  He deserved it.

  5. yeah, on TV I have

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