
Have you ever seen a teacher or professor use swear words in their lecture?

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What school? What grade level? What was the subject matter?

What do you think of that teacher/professor?




  1. I've seen it a few times in grumpy elementary and high school teachers. I see it often in professors (mostly English) at a variety of schools.

    I think it is tacky and unprofessional, but they think it makes them seem cooler!

  2. Yes, but things that flow with the conversation (like $hit or @ss hole), nothing too crazy.

  3. I have heard the words "d**n" and "h**l," but they were both used in the context of discussing quotes during wartime or other relevant areas.  This would be both in high school and college.  Who knows...nowadays these words are probably in the middle school.  I thought the teachers/professors were actually better teachers/professors than most.

  4. hah all the timeeee

    8th mostly

    my teacher would say fuc* ; sh*t; as$ hole; bit*h; etc.

    not as like being mad though

    just goofing off

    she was like to coolest teacher ever

    she would go down the halways with heeleys and stuff

    and then others i would hear slip once and a while not realizing it lol but mostly with just like sh*t or something

  5. yes, whitecounty high school, 10th, two people were in a fight can't rember the name of a book, I thought she was a sexest c*nt but not because of her cussing

  6. At the college level, I have heard it in most of my classes. I have been lucky and ended up with really down to earth professors. But I sometimes heard it in High School. In Psychology, my teacher didn't care what words he used. And a couple other teachers who actually liked their jobs would use them once in a while.

  7. oakland school



    he is the best teacher ever!!!

    not becausse he cusses  but he teaches really good.not boring at all.

    he said h**l damm effin computer

  8. I remember an incident in high school with the physics teacher. He was talking to another student about their assignment. He held the document up by one corner, as if holding a dirty nappy, and said (in a reflective, almost confidential tone), "It's a bit S****y, isn't it?"

    I never laughed so hard, and I remember it like it was yesterday.

  9. Well, my French teacher used to swear (in French) at the secretaries that would break into her class over the intercom with 10 minutes of announcements at the end of each day...took us till French 2-3 to figure out what she was saying, lol.

    I never had any other teacher or prof swear...I would think it was completely unprofessional, just as I would think that any professional who swore during a presentation or seminar was unprofessional.  It's just not the time or the place.

  10. My first teacher to swear was my third grade teacher, me and a few other students were on our way out the door to our violin lesson and she started yelling at the other students and she swore, I can't remember what she said, but nothing too bad.  My high school physics teacher also swore- trying to b cool, 12th grade, So I turned what he said around and swore at him--no consequences-it was sweet, he just said he was disappointed.  In college I have had a few professors who swore, but not like out of anger or anything just b/c it fit well with the lecture.  I personally do not swear, maybe 3 times a year only when I'm with people who do a lot.  I think it is not necessary to swear b/c for every swear word there is a non-swear word that would work just as well, and u sound stupid and disrespectful when u swear a lot or at all.  When a teacher/professor swears, they lose a little of my respect, b/c they are becoming more like their students, not acting very professional.

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