
Have you ever seen a toad sitting on a toadstool?

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Have you ever seen a toad sitting on a toadstool?




  1. no, but i've seen a barfly on a bar stool though...

  2. Not personally, but Google Images brought this gem up!

  3. yes i have and when i asked the toad ,"why are you sitting on the toadstool." he answered.. " cause there's  not mushroom inside.'"

  4. No, but then I have never seen a cow slip or a bull rush either.

  5. Yes. We used to live on a caravan site in a rural area with a stream running down the back of our unit with loads of frogs and toads in it. There was a Birch tree with some great toadstools underneath which we identified as Fly Agaric (halucenigenic jobbies) and one morning, out for a smoke, I spotted a young toad sitting on top of one. I asked him for a light but he just fell of his perch (I think he croaked). All but the last bit is tru I assure you.

  6. No but i've seen a pig sittin in an armchair! my ex.

  7. This is schoolboy humour. How old are you? Nine?

  8. Er.... no.

  9. To maintain a healthey toad... take it to the vet...they may need to take a...STOOL SAMPLE"

    To make sure it don't have worms!!

  10. No but I did see a foot sitting on a footstool

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