
Have you ever seen a truely beautiful older woman?

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What did she look like? act like?

I am not talking about your mother, sister or granny here.

What moved you about her?




  1. Your avatar. The animated features are too much for me. I'm just kidding. If I can tell they are old I am not attracted to them.

  2. Her name is Jessica Biel.

  3. Yes, some women have just been blessed with beauty. My sister is 47 and when I look at her I still think she could compete with all the plastic people in Hollywood. She has never had plastic surgery, she is just 100% natural beauty. She still has 20 year old kids trying to pick her up, I think that says something. Other than her, no, and for the record, I'm not exactly fond of my sister, but that doesn't change the fact that she has a lovely outward appearance. An average woman will always be average without surgery, but a beautiful woman remains beautiful almost until she dies unless she neglects herself, and I've met many beautiful women who don't even try to look good and still look better than those that wear all that makeup and stuff, you've either got it or you don't, age has nothing to do with it. For the record, I think she looks a lot like DR. quinn, the medicine woman. ;-)

  4. yes she worked at my old middle school. she was a student aide, she was very helpful and patient and she knew how to make a child stop crying. and she taught art in the after school program.

  5. Yes. She was slender with long silver hair. She moved with a grace of a person half her age. I believe she was a dancer in her youth. How she ended up in a nursing home is beyond me.

  6. Susan Luchie

  7. Hey! mom is beautiful!...

  8. You earn your face, if you do not alter your face with cosmetic surgery, and live a good life (yours to decide what IS a good life, personally I believe it involves a lot of love), you will be a beautiful older woman. I'm not saying you will look like a movie star, but you will have the kind of beauty that can't be bought.

  9. you mean Michelle Pfeiffer..?!

    everything about her moves me..

  10. Yes this lovely neighbour Jean - she was about 70 and completely natural but she was so pretty. She had some wrinkles especially due to always being a smoker and drinking but she was so pretty.

  11. Yes, Susan Sarandon(40'sor50's?)

    The lady is beautiful.

    Oh, and of course Olivia Newton-John.

  12. ya there is a women i have known for a long time , she is 41 and incredibly sweet, i find her to be  absolutely adorable.

    i love every thing about her, one time i went over to visit her and she was out side in her yard doing gardening and had on this straw hat , omg she was so cute in that hat. her little ears with that purity brown hair and those amazing greenish eyes and that cute little nose of hers woof d**n she is hot hehehehehe.

  13. Many of my friend's moms are really beautiful women who have aged very well despite not having access to any of the celebrity "tricks" for staying young forever.

    My friend Annie's mom is a really lovely woman. She has the best long gray curly hair in a little clip, flowing down her back. She's always up on the latest international political news, and can give you context for any situation. She has the most infectious laugh and she's as smart as a whip. She builds costumes for a living and is probably the most responsible, competent person I know. Everything she promises, she delivers, under-budget, ahead of schedule, and ten times better quality than you deserve. She raised a lovely, smart, fiercely independent daughter, and in addition to her professional costuming she raises chickens, cooks like Julia Child, does home repairs, restores furniture, keeps a lovely house and garden, and she was the co-founder of what is now one of the largest community theater troupes in my county.

  14. I was just gonna mention some of my aunts & my grandmother, I have seen some truly beautiful older black women who were very refined & sophisticated, they genuinely looked ageless.

    Here's an example (from a neighboring country of mine):


    & she's 52!

  15. Cher

  16. Carol Alt looked stunning on Celebrity Apprentice.

  17. Yes, I used to work in a retirement home and there was a lady with silver hair and the most pleasant face and a big smile. She talked to anyone and everyone. I have seen little old ladies that had the cute factor, cute figures and faces with hardly any wrinkles. Older people who are still attractive seem to have positive personalities.

    Older celebs I think are nice looking:

    Goldie Hawn

    Susan Sarandon

    Raquel Welch

    Mia Farrow

    Olivia Hussey

    Katharine Ross

    People may not like her, but I think Martha Stewart looks great to be in her sixties, same with Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush.

    Living life with a positive attitude is the best way to come off as youthful.

  18. Yes. My grandmother is in her 70's and remains a very attractive woman. True, she colours her hair, and her skin isn't devoid of age, but she still looks 10 to 20 years younger than she is with little help.

  19. Now that I am an older person soon to be (52), but look as though I am 30ish. I find that the maturity I didn't have when I was younger is what attracted me to older women when I was 20ish. I was 20 and I was dating a woman who was in her early 40t's and she was a dream. She was well endowed and full of life. Sadly, I had to break it off because she fell deeply in love with me. I wasn't ready for a serious relationship. Especially one of this caliber. She had a body that would stop traffic and the deepest green eyes a man could call emeralds. I will never forget the impact she made on my life. She showed me as a young man what a women wants. Because of her I became a great lover and a good listener to how women think. It took me quite a while to date women my own age. I learned a lot from this relationship.

  20. Oh, yes. She was probably sixty or more, and had very elegant, refined features. It wasn't that she looked younger, or anything, she looked her age (probably). I was in high school, and I remember telling her that I hoped I looked like her when I was her age.

  21. Yes . . . every day when I look in the mirror.

  22. Every older woman I see is, or has the potential to be, beautiful.

    Most often, all it takes is for them to smile.

    To me, there is nothing more beautiful than the map of a life laid across a face wreathed in joy.

    Cheers :-)

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