
Have you ever seen an 'orb' with your naked eye?

by  |  earlier

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I have & it made me think twice





  1. Look into remote viewing about orbs. No, but I have remote viewed some. Supposedly these can be something like a speed demon that steal other spirits energies and information about them. Supposedly the mind or brain is the central part of an entity or a spirit.The rest is just like an extension like a residual aura. From what I understand an orb can move pretty fast. I haven't any connections to these three sites but they can be interesting to read and or study.

  2. i think so    but not sure, i have loads of photos with them on especialy on my wedding photos, as my husband was very ill and we had to get married in the hospital chapel on one photo there are about 10 or more orbs of different sizes!

  3. Orbs are dust close to the lens of a camera illuminated by the flash. If you dont believe me try using a camera with a lens hood. Orbs can not and will not appear if your camera has a lens hood, and any paranormal investigations i go on, I use a lens hood on my camera. The lens hood prevents the dust close to the lens from becoming visible in the flash.

  4. not with the naked eye but in a photo of my cats ashes there was abeautiful spiral orb

    Im sure it was him

    so beautiful

  5. Well if you saw an orb with your own eyes then you'd be trashing the claims of other paranormal investigators who claim that orbs are not visible except in pictures.

    They only appear in pictures because "orbs" are created by illusions of light, reflection, dust, developing, etc.  That is why they are only visible in pictures and that is why you are not able to see them with your own eyes.

    So I contend that your claim that you have seen "orbs" is either as the result of a mistake, illusion, hallucination, etc., or else you are flat-out lying about it.

  6. I have seen many things but what is considered an orb i can't say i have. i have seen many on pictures and video but i could easily dismiss them as dust of insect related or even light sources. I also investigate the paranormal.

  7. i thot i saw one today..but it was just the light from my coffee pot...

  8. Does seeing a naked orb with your normal eye count?

  9. was a beautiful blue, i believe it was dad watching over me as he promised 27 years ago

  10. yes i seen roy orbison on the tv yesterday .

  11. Since an "orb" is very simply explained as a reflection of light off a particle near a camera lens, one could theoretically see an orb with the their naked eyes if the dust particle is close and there is sufficient backlighting.

    There is nothing supernatural about a reflection of light.

  12. Yes, strangely it was also blue. It drifted in front of my face and slowly moved across the room.

    It was not a dream, trick of the light or an insect. And I was sober and awake.

    I felt very calm and experienced a warm loving emotion.

    I take it this is the first time you have experienced something that you can't explain rationally.

    Keep on investigating with an open mind.

    Blessings to you.

  13. It depends if there is light hitting the dust particles close to my eye where they are out of focus.

  14. What I saw was round and appeared to be spinning very slowly. It was not particularly bright..but it scared the **** out of me all the same.

  15. Whats an "orb"  I thought it was a sphere, boy i'm missing out

  16. Orbs are simply photographic artifacts...DUST reflecting the camera flash..nothing more

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