
Have you ever seen an attractive stranger at the store, bus.. wherever and regretted not talking to them?

by  |  earlier

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I think it's better to just approach and talk without being creepy that is because you might not ever see this person again. There's nothing to lose.




  1. all the time every human alive has those regrets.  

  2. h**l YES.

    I always regret it! But I agree with you about that, we totally should!

    My boyfriend did. :D:D  

  3. Well if it's an attractive girl chances are should reject you the minute she lays eyes on you so not really.

  4. All the time, girl!

  5. yess  

  6. yes, but you have to have a reason to approach or invent a good can't just say "i liked the way you looked" and that's you came over to talk...what would be considered creepy is when you express too much interest too fast without legitimate reason...

  7. Ask a simple question to introduce conversation such as:

    "Excuse me, do you know where this bus goes?"


    "Excuse me, do you know where the condoms are?"

    "Sooooo, you like stuff?"

    "Nice shoes, wanna ****?"

    You get my drift.

    It's always good to meet new people.

    If you get rejected - big woop - no loss.

    If you don't try - could be a big loss.

    "You never ever know, if you never ever go." - Someone

    'Just Do It!' - Nike

    'Do it! Do it!' - Ben Stiller

  8. yes it's happened and yes I have regretted it.  Take a chance, carpe diem!

  9. Not really, I'll see someone else who's just as attractive another day, it just won't be that person.

  10. Yes well if I hadn't been in an airport in Dublin...with my parents, I may have stopped to talked to this incredibly handsome man. We made eye contact, yes but I knew he was too old for me. Late 20s I assume. I was 17. I don't regret not saying anything. I wrote down exactly how he looked and how I felt so I know I will never forget him. If my parents hadn't been with me, I may have said something. Not necessarily anything flirtatious.  

  11. yeah i was at this lake and this hot girl kept checking me out, but i delayed talking to her until it was too late and she left =[. it was a big mistake

  12. Of course. Or, there's always Missed Connections in the paper or on Craig's List.

  13. Yes, in the past, in my younger days. But now, like you, I don't let such opportunities pass.  I talk to people.

  14. i don´t regret it, i guess is because i´m very very very shy

  15. yes

  16. Well yeah I have but when comes down to it if I happened to see them again I wouldn't talk to them anyway...I would just be to shy.

  17. YES! so totally yes! lol

  18. many many times and regretted butalas we cannot talk to all strangers lest.......................

  19. but i lost the number to who i beleived was probably my soulmate, dammit!

  20. I have always been too shy to just go up to someone & start talking, But for the FIRST time 3 mths ago, I did! My confidence grew from doing that &: I made a very good friend!!!

  21. Yes, but I have no idea what I would have said, anyway. I'm sure I would have ended up looking like an idiot- so why risk it? lol.

  22. i realized that when i was in like fourth grade and i am much smoother with girls now than ninety-eight percent of my class. i think the sooner you realize that you have nothing to lose the better off you are. no i always talk to them

  23. Haha. I agree with you! If i saw you at a random place iw ould talk to you! lol seriousl might even get lucky =]

  24. I think everyone has...But your absolutely right about that. No regrets ;)

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