
Have you ever seen anyone actually carrying out community service?

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On the Road Wars police programme, the offenders seem to always get a ridiculous amount of community service and a slap on the wrist. The police must get fed up to the back teeth arresting yobs, thieves, druggies only for them to be given comm. service instead of anything harder where they may learn their lesson.

Does comm. service work? I don't think so.




  1. I'm in th uk and i haven't seen anyone doing community service... it'd help more than fines though because its good for the community, council don't have to hire labour  (did i hear bin collections more than once a fortnight?), if its a kid they get good punishment without the parents/carer getting lugged with a fine and it frees up jail spaces (which are in short supply)

    however for more serious crimes there should be accompanying fines, curfew, and even prison service if need be.

    it really depends on who the offender is. sometimes the fact that they got caught will be enough, for others the punishment itself and other need a sharp shock to the system in the form of a month or 2 in prison

    then there are people who can't be helped who (in my opinion) deserve pity

    comm. service is intended as a punishment and should be so. failure to turn up shoild result in time added, fines, or more serious punishment

  2. If they do their service time, it is done quietly and no one hears about it. And yes, often they don't turn up as you mention. Then they are taken in custody again, fined again (maybe not paying because they have no money), or get a bit of jail time, and  the cycle starts over.


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