
Have you ever seen/known someone who was "possessed"?

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How did they act? Did they know they were possessed? Is it possible to THINK you're possessed and it just be spirits (bad ones) trying to make you believe that you are? If you were possessed..would you be going around trying to get an exorcism?Would you put holy water on yourself..even drink get it out?(If it's paranoia..could it be a "spirit of paranoia..and you really are possessed..or harassed by it?)

Please only answer if you know something about this.




  1. Possession is  a real thing.  I have never known anyone who is possessed, but have talked to others who have.  If you claim the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you cannot be possessed.  The enemy will put all kinds of crazy thoughts and fears in your mind, but the truth is that if you have Holy Spirit residing in you (the Bible says anyone who is saved) no unholy spirit can "possess" you.  They can, however, "oppress" you.  My advice would be to get some spiritual counseling from a trusted, Bible believing pastor (if you are a female, always have another female present during counseling).  Most Pentecostal churches realize that this is a real,  Biblically based problem and will be willing to help you.  Most traditional churches, such as Methodist, Episcopal will think you are crazy.  Even though possession happened throughout history (including in the Bible!)  

    The long and short of it is that if you are "saved," possession is not a problem.  Praying and fasting can take care of any oppression you are under, but good, solid biblical counsel is helpful as well.

  2. I swear, sometimes I think my cats are possessed. When they get that way, I spray them with a water gun, though I don't think the water is necessarily holy. But it does the trick.

  3. Wow, Deenie, you've really given this alot of thought.  I am not really a big believer in possession.  I'm not saying it isn't possible, it just can't be proven.  So I guess to answer your question, no I haven't seen anyone like that, but wouldn't believe it if I did.  But I could be wrong, you know what they say.  Possession is 9/10 of the law!

  4. I think it's all about belief. If you believe a demon can posses you then you give it power over you. I have been told by my guardian angels that they can't actually possess your body. As in take over your soul. But if you allow them to, they can "overshadow" you and use your body, much the same way a trance medium would. But you always have say so. You only have to have strength of will enough to simply say "no". Though Jesus Christ is a very strong deterent I've found, as one gal pointed out.

    Is it possible for evil spirits to convince you that you're possessed? oh yeah. Have had some try. They know your fears and will use them against you. Fear weakens you, thereby giving them strength.

    But are you really possessed, as in you have no say? I really don't believe so. "Mind and will" a gifted friend of mine says.

  5. I feel, right or wrong, that many people who are diagnosed as crazy when they commit a heinous crime (murdering their own children, etc).........mmmmmmmmm, I often wonder if they're nuts or taken over.  

    And I've worked some of those cases, and I'm telling you, look in their eyes?  It's like looking straight into h**l.

  6. I have seen a lot of people who acted as if they were possessed. But I believe that it is all some form of psychiatric disorder. Noone is 'posessessing' them.

  7. Those people suffer from a mental illness nothing more.

  8. one of my employees at my laundry shop was possessed by an evil spirit  and it was friggin crazy! She was around 24 years old at the time, she spoke with three different voices, her normal voice, another female voice and one male voice which really scared us all! we first brought her to the hospital because she would freeze up and have a hard time breathing then would pass out so i thought at first she was having eppileptic type of seizures. after the doctor's in the emergency room ran all the tests, they informed me that her blood pressure was normal, pulse rate was normal, breathing was normal, even her ECG results were normal, so we could not confine her because she was not sick, but the doctor heard her speaking in different voices wherein some of the things she was saying was in latin, but when I asked the doctor what was it she was saying in latin he declined to say to us what it meant. Then he suggested that we bring her to a church and have a priest help her because the doctor said he believed it was a case of demonic possession and the hospital had no means of helping her. We then brought her to church, there was four men and two women accompanying me at the time and i was driving to the church, on our way she suddenly acted as if nothing happend and started to act normal and was asking them what had happened to her, they thought she was okay by that time and were quite happy. but when we entered the church parking lot, she started to scream in different voices and started squirming even four big guys were holding her they said she was so strong given she is like 4 foot 11 inches and around 90 pounds, they could not control her. when we parked the evening mass was about to start. they forcibly got her out of the car, she was fighting back and struggled to get free from the four men holding on to her. But when the bells of the church started ringing she fell to the groung limp.Two of the guys held her up and started walking to the door of the church but it took them quite a while, when i looked back she was just laughing ina males voice and you could see the two males struggling as if they were carrying a 400 pound girl. this is when i, skeptic as i may be started to feel enstranged by what was happening so i ran to the door of the church, wet both my hands with holy water then returned to her, held her head with both hands and said you will not win. after i said that she fainted, but became light again, so we went into the church, attended mass with her sleeping like a baby sitting smack in the front row. she woke up after the mass and was normal again, no sign of demonic possession whatsoever! After mass i talked to the priest about our predicament, he said he could not help us because not all priests were taught to exorcise demons and could not tell us who could. That,s the time that it became scary, it was already around 8pm and had no where to go. Luckily, when we were about to leave the church, and old woman sitting outside the main door of the church looked at us and said to me, the demons in her are strong pointing at her as if she could see them (creepy!) I asked her what could I do to help her, she then told us of a faith healer in the next town that could definitely help us. So on we went in search of the faith healers house in the middle of no where in the middle of the night. asked some bystanders a couple of times but after an hour of searching finally found his house. Even before we reached his house, the possessed girl was thrashing and shouting in the car as if the demons were about to face the enemy and i was freaked out by her shouting in three different voices and her speaking latin given that it was impossible for a elementary undergrad speak fluent latin and also because she could not even speak in english and could hardly write! When we stopped at the faith healers house, it took all seven of us to take her out of the van and it was really hard!, she weighed like 400 pounds and the seven of us could hardly carry her into the faith healers house. But when she saw the faith healer she froze up and was staring him in the eyes and i could see the fear as if a demon was looking at God or and angel and was afraid of his power, after a short prayer and dialogue with the two demons that were possessing her, he was able to cast them away and she just fainted. We brought her home, she woke up the next day and had no recollection of what had happened.

    More freaky details:

    1. when she froze up she was in the form of a cross but only her head, knuckles, and balls of her feet were touching the ground her whole body and arms were arched away from the ground, and she was in this position for more than fifteen minutes.

    2. before we went to the church, she drank water, 2 liters of water from a pitcher, straight up!

    3. i made her hold a metal cross, she went ballistic and bent it and threw it out the window.

    4. when we could here the male voice it was really deep and creepy, really impossible to fake given this girls normal voice was high pitched and a bit nasal.

    5. her facial features would change when she or the demons got angry, i could actually see the change in shape, size of cheeks, lips, thickening above the eye brows and that's what really freaked me out!

  9. I disagree with the first persons answer. I have seen a friend of mine become possessed and it changed the person he was almost instantly. It was very scary to see. We went to a excorcism to have the demons removed and my god that was freaky. I was a huge skeptic of all this kind of thinking until I actually saw it with my own two eyes. I now believe spirits/demons can possess your body and they can also be stricken out of your body with a prayer group or some other exorcism type event.

  10. I know someone who is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Who thinks she is possessed. It all started after she tried to open her Chakras. However through out her life she has shown some strange traits. When ever she tried to tell me something about myself she didn't have a clue. I personally feel shes ill, She don't, and encourages her voices but will not tell her Doctors She is still hearing them. it's a nightmare. I want to believe her but my question to her is why would the voices want her to hurt herself and others around her? As for your friend not going into Churches I think she is sadly ill to. The worst thing you can do with some mentally ill people is tell them there are ill as they thrive on it. Then start to act how they think they should. It's a terrible situation and I wouldn't wish it on anyone...

  11. yep me and my 3 mates every sat night.

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