
Have you ever seen or experienced something 'paranormal'?

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Have you ever seen or experienced something that could be considered 'paranormal' or unexplainable?




  1. I'll steal my answer from a recent question since it applies here as well:

    I'll try to summarize this as simply as possible.

    It was the middle of the day, and I was taking a nap in my room. I was asleep, and was dreaming about a group of several people of unidentified origin standing around. I saw no faces or anything; simply knew they were there in the dream. As I slowly drifted into consciousness; being not entirely awake but coherent enough to notice physical things around me, I heard my brother's voice and saw him crouching in the corner of my room. I thought this was peculiar and out-of-sorts, so I made some angry remark to him. He stood up and vanished (I was able to acknowledge he was there; yet not see his face. It was a strong, physical feeling that a being was there and I knew who it was; that was all.) However, upon his leave, I recalled my door was locked from the inside and therefore I must be alone. Just then, I felt a deceitful presence around me - and without even analyzing things, I knew that my "brother" was some sort of other energy. I was frightened, yet in such a state of shock that I did not become scared or react. I soon after became more awake; at this point I was not in between sleep and wakefulness any longer. I suddenly felt a tingling feeling in my feet, creeping up my body; from my legs to my torso, arms, and fingers. I was fully paralyzed and unable to move. I immediately slipped into a surreal sort of state; my mind went fuzzy and became aware that something else was occupying my immediate space. In my mind, I asked hesitantly for a sign that something was here. So help me God, a noise resembling a fingernail sharply scraped the corner of the plastic part of my mattress under my sheet; starting near my head and slowly, dreadfully, moving down the bed, around the foot of the bed, and up the other side; ending near my other ear. It didn't stop there - one of my arms lifted up against my will; still paralyzed. As it was set back down, the other arm lifted in the same way. After this, both my feet were levitated at the same time, along with my head to a significant degree. I was set back down after a few seconds, and fell immediately into a deep sleep.

    I don't know how or why this happened; only that it must have. It was entirely real, and I still recall it with almost perfect detail despite the fact that my mind seemed to be in an alternate state. I'll occasionally wake up at odd hours of the morning, feeling (I swear to you) possessed by some other split mind, and I've already performed mild actions such as getting violent with objects in my room due to the actions of this alternate mind. However, I go back to sleep so soon after, that dwelling upon any detail is nearly impossible; only that I know it happened. I frequently am told I sleepwalk, and mainly sleeptalk, in seemingly nonsensical, incoherent murmurings. Demonic spirits are said to make contact through backwards speech; so I've always been curious as to what I say. Ouija boards, in addition, have told me that I'm a candidate for nocturnal possession; and this alludes to my occasional nightmares of dwelling with demons and the presence of other fearful elements.

  2. Yes, in an apartment where I used to live. The cabinets in my kitchen would open and close by themselves, the heater would turn on by itself, and I could feel someone was with me all the time. My cat felt it too

  3. I'm a paranormal investigator i've encountered many things i haven't been able to explain and alot of these things are listed in the reports on my team's site. I still continue to this day to help others who feel they need paranormal assistance :)

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

  4. I copied and pasted this from a previous questioner that doubted paranormal incidents.


    I grew up in a house where there were always strange things taking place.

    Items moving on their own, odors not familiar to the family, strange music, whispers, shadows, and so forth.

    I am 5'6". I saw a dark shadow of a man that was well over 6' tall and wearing a top hat like Abe Lincoln.

    I have smelled cigar smoke, fresh pine scent, and sweet perfumes in the dead of winter and the house was closed up.

    And as far as I knew, we didn't have smell-o-vision while watching TV.

    I have watched a glass vase being picked up and moved to another location.

    I have been in my bedroom laying in bed, when suddenly the room would get cold. And right before I could reach down to the end of my bed and pull a blanket over myself, something else did it for me instead.

    I've heard our piano playing by itself. No one but my mother could play and she wasn't home.

    I've been in buildings where it was like de je vue, and yet I had never been there before.

    I've had dreams of things happening, and within a few days the same things happened as in the dream. Same conversations with the same people.

    Sorry, but there have been countless things that I have been a witness to that myself and others have witnessed in this house for me to believe it was all in my imagination.

    5 minutes ago - Edit - Delete

  5. well,i dunno whether it is paranormal or anythin but like iam a big fan of man utd[soccer team]and when they are about to play big mathces or important ones i like dream about seein them play and also the result in my dream on the eve of the match!and believe me more often than not my dreams turn into reality!!!

    coincidence!!?i dunno..........

  6. Yes I have. I've tried ton rule out all things normal, but it all came back to paranormal. I was a skeptic before my experience.

  7. I was home alone and I was sitting in my chair and I looked over into my foyer and I saw a women sort of looking at me. It wasn't someone I knew. She had a lace dress on and it was sort or old fashioned.

    And when I was at camp when I was 10, we were in a row boat and I saw someone out of the corner of my eye sitting in the third seat. I turned and lookied and no one was there.

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