
Have you ever seen or felt paranormal presence of a loved one or a ghost?

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Have you ever seen or felt paranormal presence of a loved one or a ghost?




  1. oh yes, at christmas time my loved ones leave loads of presence under the tree!

  2. Yes I have. Nearly three years ago I was nearly killed in an accident. I was in a coma for 11 days and I remember my late father who had been dead for 10 years sitting on the end of my hospital bed.

    He told me that he and my late mother were both well but it was not my time yet to cross over.

    The strangest thing is that I can't remember exactly what happened when I had my accident, yet I do remember my father speaking to me.

  3. Yes, I lost my grandpa, which was my only grandparent on Nov 7, 2007. We were having (our first) Thanskgiving (without him) and I was sitting down eating and I felt a hand on my shoulder, just heavy enough to know someone was behind me, I thought it was my fiance, so I put my hand on my shoulder (to touch his hand) but he wasn't there, but I still felt the heavyness, I looked to my left at my (female) cousin and she looked at me, kind of wide eyed. I said "Do you feel that?" she said "is it like someone is touching your shoulder?" I was amazed, I've had paranormal stuff happen to me before (shadow people and at least one incident of precongintion) but nothing anyone else has seen or felt. I was also sleeping one day and somebody tickled my feet, I thought it was my mom, but I looked down and no one was there, my mom was still sound asleep. I think it was either my uncle (who passed in 97) or my grandpa. Shadow people run in my family so it's not that odd to me, but sometimes it's a little freaky.

  4. I have been blessed to have felt the presence of a few loved ones who'd passed, as well as a dozen or so other spirits, some guides, some lost souls, some of them just new friends, as well as the presence of angels. Even my old dog, who'd died some 20 odd years ago.

  5. yes, the both of them...

  6. Yes, on both counts.

    All my grandparents come to me at the time of their deaths.  I would tell my parents before they would get the call from family members or doctors.  Of course this was many, many years ago.


  8. Of course I have.

  9. Uummm...strange that you should say that.

    Lost my mother when she was 59

    sometimes I can sense or even feel that shes there.

    Two weeks ago after finishing was about 3.30 am

    I was sitting on the sofa having somthing to eat when I felt her presence ...its hard to eplain but you just know

  10. Yes many times. Ghosts, loved ones, and higher beings.

  11. Long story short.


    I felt breathing on my neck and then someone trying to snuggle with me.

    No one was there.

    I heard my mum say under her breath once "It was mom".

    My dad also has dreams about my grandma when he's in that house (My family bought my grandparents house when they passed).

    I sort of have a feeling it was my grandmother.

  12. My Dad died yesterday and I was wondering if he would try to connect with me.  I hope if he does it will be during the day.  For some reason I am afraid for it to happen at night.  My Dad would never hurt me I know, but the thought of something happening at night freaks me out...wish I wasn't such a chicken, cause I would love to see my Dad again and know he is okay...

  13. Yes, I have seen and felt a ghost.

    I was living in a rented house at the time, and one night when sleeping I woke with a pain on the side of my neck, it felt like someones arm was pressing down on me. As I tried to sit up the whole of my body felt like it was shaking and I was unable to move. I managed to push my arm out to the side of me and hit what felt like someones leg, with my hand I then could feel the hair and top of a head, with this I panicked and jolted up, I thought someone had broken into the house, but when I looked at the foot of my bed I saw a young man with bare shoulders curled up.

    I jumped out of my bed and ran to my sister's house, she lived nearby.

    I never went back to the house on my own after that.

    Since then I have been told a young man who used to live there had hung himself in the nearby woods.

  14. one night i was awakened by something. i looked over and saw my Nana sitting in the bed next to me. She was looking right at me with a surprised/shocked look on her face. It freaked me out because she was completely grey; face, body and clothes but at the same time, somewhat transparent. then i heard her voice in my head saying sssshhhhh, ssssshhhhh go back to sleep, and I did.

  15. 'Psychic phenomena'  can feel as real as anything else to the person who experiences them.  That does not make them objectively real.  Even though I have experienced phenomena that seemed paranormal at the time, they cannot be separated from my own mental processes which, while sometimes strange, are a perfectly normal (not paranormal) function of the human brain.

  16. Actually, when my grandfather died, I was alone in his bedroom, just sort of saying a last goodbye. I was alone in the house, everyone else was outside. So there I was, standing there, and all of a sudden, that rubber fish that moves and sings (you press the button to activate it (I don't know what it's called)) turns on!! I whipped around and there was no one there. I feel sure that it was my grandfather.

  17. I Lost the only dear heart that ever cared for me on the earth 12-16-06. I have begged and sought for some word or conformation from the one. I have none. I allways thought on some level we would incline. But not.I had one paranormal expierience which made it impossible for me to de-bunk (as i so loved to do ) any explanation of natural phenom. It was a bit frightning. I visit the memory of the event as little as possible- but often enough that I may NEVER forget in my older age. Do you understand? I sure hope so. Talk any time you need someone to talk to. Mama Rea

  18. My ex-wife used to help her brothers with their boyscout stuff.  There is a cabin where the boy and girl scouts ould use for different activities right on the edge of town.  At some point a boy died who knew her.  She was with me a couple years ago doing EVP there with 2 friends of mine.  She walked several feet behind the rest of us and on her recorder, a boy's voice asking her (the blank is her name) "Are you happy, ------?"  She has not been back there.

  19. I thought I had, but it was my mother breathing down my neck as I tried to cook in her kitchen.  Scary!  You need to meet her to know what I mean and imagine the scene with feeling.  Love her, but so glad I don't live in the family home.

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