
Have you ever seen someone die?

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Have you ever seen someone die?




  1. i've seen people get carried out on stretchers from being shot who've died eventually

    from the bullet wounds but i wasnt in the ambulance when they die but i have watched quite a few times people get shot and die before the ambulance get there but i never was close enough to see them go out im usually about a block away

  2. No. I have only seen the aftermath and sometimes the spirits of the dead.

  3. no and i dont want to,take your morbid question to those weirdos that are interested in them

  4. No, thank goodness.

  5. yup

  6. Yes, more than one, it's not pretty.

  7. Well, not as far as people go, but I had my mouse die in front of me. It was like she was waiting for me to get home so she could see me again, because she finally died about 5 minutes after I got home. It was really, really sad.

  8. NO NOT REALLY AND I HOPE I never ever DO !!!!!!!!!!

  9. Yes. My grandpa had cancer and died when I was 5. At the time I was his only grandchild. My mum called me into the room to say goodbye. It took all of his strength but he sat up gave me a kiss and said "you be a good lass" then he laid back down, closed his eyes, and smiled. A tear rolled down his face as he went to sleep...

    The other time …nah! I really don’t care to remember the death of a very close friend when she drowned at a picnic when she was just 15 May her soul rest in peace!!!.

  10. yes and i have cleaned up dead bodies they where old and died of natural causes

  11. s.its very sad 2 see that.dont expectit to  happen b4 u

  12. yes, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

  13. no

  14. Yes, I've seen it several times.  I worked in a hospital on the cardiac unit.  Once I called a code on a man that was aspirating...that was the hardest to see because I had to watch him suffer....he didn't make it.

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