
Have you ever seen something that doesn't have a logical explanation?

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I see stuff every day that I can't explain. I'm used to it all now. I don't even pay attention anymore when something happens in the house.




  1. Have you ever seen the movie the Matrix?

    At one point, after Neo joins the good guys, I believe they were going to see the old woman who baked the cookies (the prophet?) and as they were heading back in an old house to get `beamed' back to their ship, Neo noticed something peculiar. It was a cat that seemed as though was a deja vu experience.

    The others in the good guys team, once informed, said that it was a `glitch ' in the system. Meaning that something was wrong.

    Not having a "logical explanation" - seems to lead the observer to be extra observant of everything, as though a message was being sent from somewhere else to warn you to keep on your toes and be aware.

    There is another story that I was told by a priest named Father John Powell. He was a jogger, ran the track three miles rain or shine every day. One day (this is in Chicago at Loyola University) it was a particularly miserable rainy morning that turned into a bad fog. So the priest went out, prepared for the worst and started along the running track. It seemed as though no one else was outside, either in class or hiding from the weather. On his second lap he thought he saw something in the middle of the field that the track ran around. On his third lap, he thought, to comfort his mind, he would check and see if there was actually someone or something there in the middle of this field. The air was wet, one hundred percent humidity, and the priest was soaked as he drew closer to the object he thought he saw in the fog. As he came closer he recognized one of the more troublesome students on campus , standing in the middle of the field, naked but for a pair of gym shorts. He called out to him, and the boy responded but didn't move. The priest ran up to him thinking the student had lost his mind and asked. "What are you doing? Trying to catch pneumonia?"

    The boy smiled and said," No father, I'm flying a kite."

    The priest took this as an insult at first, and made the decision that he should take the boy inside. But when the priest was right next to the boy he saw the boys hands, and yes, there was a rope strung around them. And yes, the rope seemed to rise up into the mist. Father Powell looked up and saw nothing but the white of the fog. "A kite?" he asked the boy. "Where?"

    And the boy said, "Way up there, it's pretty high now. "

    Father Powell could see that the boys hands seemed to move  as though there was a tug and tension to the string that seemed to lead into nothingness. And he asked, and later would tell me that he felt pretty stupid for asking, "How do you know that it is up there?"

    And the boy answered: "Well, cause every now and then it gives a tug."

    This priest Father Powell said that at that moment he felt like lighting had struck him. It was an ah-ha moment for him.  He said that with all of the fancy learning at all of the best universities had never provided him with an answer as elegant as that.

    When he told me this story, I stood dumbly waiting for a punch line. But he gave none. So I foolishly said, "I don't understand."

    He smiled and said: "Thats how God communicates with us- he gives us little tugs, not obvious tugs, just tugs that only we as individuals can experience."

    And though Father Powell was a Catholic priest, he said, "Some people get caught up in the word God and everything society has taught us that - that word means. But actually it means a whole lot more. It's personal conveyed through unexpected tugs and  unexplainable moments."

    He said, "That boy in the field would get a tug on that string that went into nothingness and he would smile and sometimes laugh. That is communication with the unknown."

    "The inter-connective-ness of everything can speak if we are willing to listen."

    I don't in any way seek to be preachy/religious  - just the opposite. If there is a God, I don't think you can be told or taught - it's a personal thing. Though I do believe (for myself) that there are no rules - there is guidance. And some religions believe in prayer by rote (repeating again and again) and others believe in seeking to empty the mind via meditation- that the actual goal is the same.

    Seeing, or experiencing something that doesn't have a logical explanation, I think is the highest form of communication- which our society calls prayer. So when it happens - be aware. And, if you believe this to be true, try to see more of the incongruities of life to see if you are being `tugged' towards, or,  for some purpose.

  2. Lots of times. Will you tell us about  YOUR experience?

    Edit...OK..I'll tell you one thing that happened...One time ...when my son was 14..he was raised up off the bed..several inches. I had to use force to push him back down. He was asleep when it happened. I didn't tell him about it for years. True story.

  3. The strangest thing i ever seen was theses five small clouds.I was looking at them and suddenly they started to form numbers and one letter of the alphabet.There were no planes in the sky at that time and i thought it may have  been a message to someone from god knows where.They faded after 7 minutes.

  4. Absolutely.  

    That is what I explain with my bandwidth analogy:

    Each is a channel, like on your TV.  It is always on, you just get to see what is on the one you have chosen.  But sometimes, snow or satellite disruption, and you get a picture that needs to be degaused.  In that moment, you may slide into another channel on the band.  The more sensitive you are, the more you will experience events in other channels of your life, or pick up (ESP) what is in another space at the same time you are in your space through a quick window.






    But that has never explained how a heavy bottomed glass sitting on the table where there was not even a flow of air turned itself over, or how the intercom came on simultaneously....  I think someone wanted attention!

    But who? I don't know.

  5. Have you ever ascertain that it could be your energy that does these things.

    Sorry to assume this, but you gave no details does examples.

  6. Yes I do a lot of times...

    I can see something which is beyond this world and especially the "unknown"...

  7. Yes.


  8. Ive had 14 UFO sightings so far since '96. 5 of them were seen around and above Yakima Firing Center where I was in the Army guard in a mortar platoon. The first one was at YFC. I was laying on my cot looking through Nvg's at around one in the morning talking to the sarge on fire guard i saw while looking straight up i saw a large object that was out where the sattelites are or further it went from straight up above me to the horizon at my feet in 5-7 seconds and it moved in a wavy pattern on it's way. Then 3months later while in a large washout to hide from the percieved enemy every one was in the sack after coming from the shower point except me and two other soldier friends. It was sundown and from the west comes an amber flying miniture sun looking object flying across the Yakima valley at around 500 feet  a mile away and going about 50 mph very slow we watched it going silently across and no sound. It rose about 200 more feet in about 5 seconds and kept on going. it was strange for sure. I saw a blue/green fireball come down at a 45 degree angle rather slow. I say orange cracks through out it and there were very small flames behind it and no smoke or sound or flash came after it went over the tree lined hill at around 11 pm. A driver that was a hundred yards ahead of me made his brake lights glow on this country road outside of Spokane WA. He had to of seen it too. I was sitting in my car on a ten minute break near Felts Field when I looked down the street I saw 5 doughnut shaped rings of flourescent blue in a cluster close to the five dice pattern only ovaled. I was facing east and they were floating about 150 feet above the ground and going north at around 5mph. before the building on the north side of the street would of blocked my view they blinked turned off and went into whatever dimention they must exist in. I told my friends at work and one of them said he saw a giant multicolored disc come out of the clouds in his homeland in Vietnam. There are 11 other sightings i can't explain and I want to know who pushed the buttons on three buildings in New York, and who ordered a cruise missle strike on the pentagon and the many camera film that was confiscated showing what hit it. I want to know why the plane that allegedly hit the earth in PA left a hole the size of a motel swimming pool. Instead it landed in Cleveland i'm told. The numbers of the plane still exist. I have many questions. Research for yourself chemtrails too. Those thick long lasting trails are not normal. They weren't there 20 years ago.  Contrails should evaporate in a minute or less. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. What a great forum for it.

  9. 3 times I've had a large drop of cold water land on me.

    Once when I was laying on my bed watching TV and it landed on my forehead.  Another time when I was driving in my car, it landed on my arm.  Another time it landed on my hand.

  10. stop doing drugs

  11. Sure, many times. Not on a daily basis though.


  12. Only 4 times in my life over a number of years, but, yes, there's more to life than is taught in school. Ghosts are real, but I don't buy into UFOs, Atlantis, Bigfoot or astrology.

  13. I watched my best friend get sucked into a balck spot that was in the middle of a lighted room... He never came out and the black spot vanished afterward.

  14. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If your saying you are seeing them on a daily bases, then you must be like me. I'm only 13 ( well I'm turning 13 on May 18, its almost my birthday ) and I'm Clairvoyent. I can see ghosts sometimes, and sometimes I know whats going to happen before it happens. I say sometimes because I still can't control my power, but I'm working on it, lol.

    I have had SO many expariences with the supernatural, that I can't even keep count anymore. I hope you learn to live with your gift, it is not a bad thing, to me it just makes me special, GoOd LuCk

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