
Have you ever seen such a lying,attention-seeking headline? The Do-gooders will never allow THIS!?

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As everyone knows,criminals are the only people with RIGHTS in our society!

Who does the Government think it's fooling?




  1. It's about time and if it's 'legal' then the do-gooders can sink back into the abyss they crawled out of....

  2. i am sure that i have heard laws similar to this before, as the law stands you are allowed to use justifiable force to protect yourself, unfortunately this ruling talks the talk but i doubt it walks the walk, because it is still open to the same interpretation as previous rulings

    ie if you have an axe by the door in order to seriously hurt someone, you will most probably still be prosecuted as they will interpret that as a premeditated action rather than acting in the heat of the moment

    having said that i have been burgled 3 times and mugged twice and i would hapilly have topped the bar stewards

  3. Interestingly Jack Straw changed his mind when he was actually affected by those "nasty" street people.


    "He is understood to have decided new laws were necessary after he was involved in four "have-a go’’ incidents, which included chasing and restraining muggers near his south London home."

  4. Can't win with you can they, if you can't defend yourself you don't like it and now you can you don't like it.

  5. There was a time when an English mans home was his castle and anyone who tried to enter uninvited got his just deserts. I cannot ever remember the law being changed just the way that the police choose to interpret it - after all it's probably easier to make an arrest on the owner and it all adds onto their targets.

  6. I wonder if this will include dogs biting intruders. My two can't wait if this is the case, they love fresh meat.

  7. I am a country boy, the buggers are in for a rough ride if they try to brake in our houses!

  8. Its an overdue step in the right direction.

  9. House holders should have the right to kill an intruder. Yes a definite step in the right direction. A little late but better late than never. So beware all you would be tea leaves I have a very sharp axe waiting for you and I WILL use it

  10. mmmmmm - well wait and see//

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