
Have you ever seen the Hat Man?

by  |  earlier

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Specifically, a special kind of Shadow Person who looks like he is wearing a top hat or gaucho hat.

He has been described, also, as having red glowing eyes.




  1. No, but I have prepared myself for the rubber band man.

  2. yea i did when i was about 8 yrs old when i spending the night at my cousin's house.I was sleep in the bed with my cousin when i looked up and he was standing there.He had a top hat on with red eyes and a long coat.I was so terrified i didnt say anything i just rolled over and went back to sleep.I never spent the night over my cousin's house ever again lol!!!

  3. Yeah, no sh*t!  Many moons ago in my basement.  My older bros were having a "seance", I wasn't allowed of course,.grrrrr!  Anyway, they and their friends came running up the stairs screaming.  They described a man with a long black over coat and black top hat, glowing red eyes and the rest of what they could see was as you described, a shadow.  There may have been something else like he was smoking a pipe I believe,..LOL, I know they were!  Anyway, they went one by one back down the steps to see if "he" was still there and sure enough one by one they ran back up screaming that "he" was.  LOL, it was some time befor anyone ever stepped foot in that basement again!  LOL!!!  I had to do the laundry down there,.I was afraid but I never had the pleasure of meeting said man,.lol, guess I wasn't "his' type!

    They still talk about it to this day. Ahhhh, the memories, thanks!  Sooooo, what's your experience with this "man" I wonder. *looking at you with a raised eyebrow*

    (((Ame))) Sis!  Great to see you!

  4. That's a new one on me.

    Another shot at trying to tell people about a nonexistent being.

    Like Bigfoot or Mothman.

    Smoke and Mirrors are real enough though.

  5. Can't say that I have.    :)

  6. ummmmmmm

  7. So, you like Coast To Coast AM with George Noory, too, eh?

  8. I've never heard of a "hat man" but i have seen what you have described. he was tall black silhouette of a man with a top hat...kind of like those detective hats. but i don't think i saw was really dark out but I'm sure i was alone. but idk..

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