
Have you ever seen the Queen in person?

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well, is she friendly?




  1. Yes I have, and yes, she was very friendly. She stopped and talked at length with my five-year-old son, who had wandered through the ranks of the guards along her route to tell her that his sister had a doll named Elizabeth. She laughed and chatted with him for several minutes before moving on.

  2. I have seen her several times,and, was introduced to her once.The Queen is a very gracious lady and very interesting.

  3. I've SEEN her.  Never actually MET her.  

    It was a parade.  Charles and Diana's wedding, actually.

  4. Yes I have seen her and no she was not friendly!

  5. Yes.She's very small, (she visited Melbourne) and smiles all day.

  6. Only when she's on duty, but she's a kindly soul.

  7. one of my earliest memories is of me being about 2 years old.  i was standing with my mum at the side of a road,  and told to wave as the Queen's car drove past us.    i remember seeing a person waving through the car window,  but at that age i really didn't  understand who she was.

  8. Yes I have at a garden party at Buckingham Palace she is a very nice person

  9. The whole clan rode past in carriages to mark the Queen Mum's 80th, so I saw the lot of them.  My duty was to make sure my friend didn't show her union jack knickers at Prince Andrew!

  10. no i haven't.

  11. Yes.  I've seen her.  She rode by me in an open carriage, so close to me that I could have reached out and touched her.  I didn't, out of respect.  But I could have.

  12. thirty eight years ago my whole school turned up at the railway line to watch the Royal carriage zip past at seventy miles an hour. we were very moved.

  13. Yes. On 3 occasions. Her Majesty has a most beautiful smile - most generous with it, too.

  14. No!  I've seen her father, though.

    And the Princess Royal came to a stand at the London Boat Show where I was working a few years ago.  She was friendly and very interested in the boat.

  15. Yes, I've seen her at a Buckingham Palace garden party, though you don't get much chance to gossip with her when there are 3000 other guests for her to see in an hour or so!

  16. saw her at  elland road leeds when it was her silver jubilee

  17. No, but I had a cup of coffee with Prince Charles. We had quite a chat.

  18. You mean met her? No. Seen her in real life. Many times and waited while she held up traffic.

  19. never seen her and not particularly bothered one way or the other.

  20. I had an affair with her a year or two back. For several months I was the royal boy toy. I say, I do miss it.

  21. i seen her 45 years ago in belfast and i was only 20 ft from her

  22. yes she is not exactly friendly but she is polite and public. Smaller than i had expected too

  23. yes she was visiting Glasgow and she seemed ok,

  24. I saw her from a distance when she came to Dunfermline.

  25. When I was a child, she came past in a big black limousine waving at the crowds. That is the only time I have seen her in person.

  26. I saw several in San Francisco...but I'm not sure which one was the REAL queen...they were ALL very friendly.

  27. Yeah, I have met her and she shook my hand!

  28. I've seen her in public, but she was in her car at the time, with the late Queen Mother. She waved and smiled to the crowds, if that's what you mean by friendly. She didn't stop and chat or anything like that.

  29. I've see her twice. The first time was on her Coronation  dayin 1953 when, as 13 year old member of the Church Lads' Brigade, I stood for 11 and half hours outside the Palace to get 2 glimpses of her as she rode past in her coach, once on the way to Westminster Abbey and then on the way back.  It was difficult to see her as I was standing behind a Grenadier Guard who (it seemed at the time) was about 9 feet tall. The other occasion was when I took a group of primary school children to see her plant a tree in her silver anniversary year. She spoke to several of my children and seemed very pleasant - and tiny.

  30. I saw her drive past in a car when she visited the town I live in. She looked small and frumpy.

  31. yes, at the braemar gathering a few years ago :)

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