
Have you ever seen ur teacher outside of school???

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have you ever seen like any of ur teachers doing anything weird or odd outside of school???

so have you ever seen ur teachers?? tell me about it!!

whenever i see them [depending on who it is] i usually hide, lol.

cause i dont want them to embarass me and tell my parents something, ya know??

once i saw my spanish teacher [softball coach] running on a weekend on the side of the road with another softball coach,

can you say "affair" ??? lol. i dont think anything happened though

do u have any cool stories???

im like really bored and yahoo answers is my cure.





  1. maybe the coaches are just friends....  not all people who hang out with the opposite s*x are banging each other.  you should be nice to teachers -- they work hard and have to deal with a lotta haters.  

  2. Teachers are humans too.  

  3. sometimes, i see my teachers around.. in the fastfood shops, the mall, the bookstore.. etc.. i just greet them or smile at them whenever i see them.. or just leave them alone... without even talking or greeting the,. i do not hide though..

    i totally understand you though,  its really embarrasing when your parents talk your teahers, because one time, my mom saw my teacher.. and she approached him...and asked about how i am doing... and others.. i am so glad the teacher was so kind..and told her i am doing just fine.. and my grades are just much for that..

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