
Have you ever sent a message in a bottle?

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We recently had a big rainstorm for a day here in New Jersey so I went to a park that has a stream running through it. I always see stuff floating down it after the rain so I put a message in with my email.

Don't worry though I picked up 5 bottles from the park and some other fast food garbage to make up for this one thing. I would have pulled garbage out of the water,but we had a couple of deaths locally because of that.

But if you've sent a message in a bottle or found one, tell me about it. Where did it start/finish and how long did it take?




  1. Yes, I sent one out from Puget Sound in Washington State and it ended up in Canada. I put my phone number in it, someone found it and called. I was 12.

  2. Yep my bro and I found one on a small coastal town in NSW Australia and it had 2 messages in it. One from sydney and the other from a beach close by. So we popped in our details and threw it back the next day. I wonder where it may of ended up???

  3. Once... on a balloon from a city 22 miles away.

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