
Have you ever sent food back in a restaurant?

by Guest34272  |  earlier

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Have you ever sent food back in a restaurant?




  1. yes several times if wrong,cold taken too long going out for a meal is a treat and should be perfect. if you buy an electrical appliance e.t c and it does'nt work dont u send it back?

  2. Like all the boyfriend's dad is a true customer rights observer and sends the food back like 2 or 3 times before eating it but it's perfectly fine! He's chinese and we live in asia. You can imagine how scared to death i am about the waiters who might just dip our food in the toilet bowl!

  3. yes

  4. lol yes, if you paid money for it you should expect it to be of a certain quality, my husband gets really embaressed telling the waiter so i always do it i'm not wasting money on c**p food!!!!

  5. I sent a pie back to the kitchen after I found a condom inside it, the resturant manager said he was very sorry but one of the kitchen staff has a fetish for pies, he then assured me that the pie was safe as the staff member always used protection,

    I did get a free glass of wine on the house.

  6. yea i have

  7. I used to, but then I saw a programme on TV about what happens sometimes to your meal before you get it back.  So nowadays I'll just send it back, say I don't want another one and refuse to pay.  Of course it means you go hungry....

  8. YES!


  9. Yes.

  10. Yea because I found a piece of hair in it!

  11. yer, i ordered chicken and it was completrely burnt!!!

  12. Yes ..but only in a polite way .. if it's undercooked. They are handling your food. It it was something I didn't like I'd just leave it ..I always figure I still not eating it after sending it back, after complaining!

  13. yeah and it was nasty looking. I went to a sonic and my drink exploded so i asked if i could use their sinks in their bathrooms, and this lady took me in and it was a really smelly dirty kitchen and there was a tiny hall with boxes in front of the tiny bathroom door! i am never going into a sonics kitchen again.

  14. of course, don't pay for it if it isn't worth eating or cooked right.

  15. Yes but only because I like the taste of spit with my steak and potatoes.

  16. lol many times

  17. yes i once ordered something that had onions on it and they gross me i actually there has been many times i've sent stuff back.....what really ticks me off is when i order something plain and they s***w up and still put stuff on it, if that happens i just ask for a refund and go elsewhere

  18. Yes, one time I ordered a Reuben sandwich, and they gave me a Cuban sandwich.  I bit into the sandwich and noticed it wasn't a Reuben and I told the waitress.

  19. Very, very rarely will I send food back. As I've noted in other answers, I'm a chef and know what it's like to be in the kitchen during a busy rush. We do our best to make sure that your order goes out exactly the way you ordered it. However, if you special order something, you have to realize that we've probably made that item 100 times or more, the way it's described on the menu. So, when you order that "Spinach salad with candied walnuts, supremed orange slices, and blue cheese tossed in a balsamic vinaigrette" without the blue cheese, there is a possibility that you might get a little bit of blue cheese in it. We make it all the time *with* the blue cheese. Most cooks/chefs will take the time to remake it once they realize it was made wrong, and remake it correctly. But, h**l... There have been several times, simply due to how busy we were, that I've had to remake one diners' salad twice, simply because I was in high gear and swamped with tickets.

    Remember, ladies and gentlemen, kitchens are typically understaffed compared to the dining room. One place I worked at had three people cooking food and a dishwasher... with four servers, two bussers, a bartender and a cocktail waitress taking care of the dining room.

    Be patient, be polite and be reasonable, and we'll do everything we can to make your night as enjoyable as possible.

    Be a jerk, and... Well, have you seen "Waiting"? ;)

    *Edit: That last line was a joke, folks. Out of the hundreds of thousands of cooks and chefs, it's a small handful who would actually do something nasty to a customers food - and they usually end up losing their job because of it.

  20. no

  21. Yes I have. When you are paying out for something and it is not what you expect it to be, ie over cooked, under cooked or a hair in the food the you have a right to send it back. The customer is always right.( If you ordered pie and chips and you wanted to swap the pie because you decided you didnt want it then I think thats unfair.)

  22. yes all the time get half way through it then send it back you don`t pay it great cheap night go to about three restaurants try it and have fun doing it

  23. its a speciality of mine...................................

    get a mix grill , eat all the chips , steak , gammon and sausage ,  

    then complain about the liver and tell em it tastes disgusting ,

    you get your money back


    i sent a cod back once,

    they said whats up with it ,?

    i said its ate all the ******* chips

  24. I've never had cause to but I would if it wasn't up to standard or was cold or not cooked properly

  25. Yes because it was still frozen on the inside.

  26. yes, but I'll try to be polite, so i don't get an extra salty surprise in my food...

  27. Yes, and even in a rather posh restaurant I sent a meal back twice, once it was too cold, once too salty, and I don't believe this was deliberate

    Hey, I work for my money, I won't just give it away, everyone should complain if not satisfied

  28. Yes on numerous occasions. One because they served vegetables instead of salad as ordered, another was because there was insufficient sauce on a Sticky Toffee pudding and one because the Steak was cooked rare instead of medium as required.

  29. Yes, my favorite meal at my favorite restaurant. It was waaaaaaay too salty, and the staff agreed.

  30. Many times, usually because the steak was not cooked to order, and I don't mean off by a little bit. I can tolerate an order of medium rare being a little over or underdone, but a well done piece of meat is inexcusable.

  31. even though im the type of person who speaks their mind and doesnt mind stepping on peoples toes if i have to...i have never sent back a meal at a just to paranoid the chef will be offended then spit in my food!

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