
Have you ever sent off a deferment request for-ANY-type of debt & the collectors said they never received it?

by  |  earlier

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This happened to me twice with student loans. I faxed & also sent my economic hardship deferment loans, & they said they never received them. & a lady called me 2 days ago, yelling @ me & threatening me. I told her about me being disabled & on a fixed income, unemployed-unable to work, & that I sent of the info months ago. & she wasn't trying to hear that.

Yes, I understand I owe money, but I sent off the deferment request. & because they say they never received it, they said I missed the deadline, when in fact, I didn't.

This happened with 2 different companies. Now, they both say I'm in default. because of THEIR mistake. Them losing my papers.

Why do they act like I "stole" THEIR money "directly"? They're getting all upset & yelling & threatening me. She's just an EMPLOYEE of the loan company (Sallie Mae) or whatever.

& they don't care if you're on your last penny, & they don't care if you starve.




  1. Try to resolve the situation with them. In the future, use certified mail because that's your proof.

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