
Have you ever slapped someone in the face??

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Have you ever slapped someone in the face??




  1. Just my sister. But not too hard. Oh and my cousin, he's a jerk.  

  2. No, but have been slapped in the face myself.

  3. Yes a couple of people...

    Once in self defense

    And the other while being a cowgirl.

  4. Yes, more times than I should have but I grew up in a violent family and for years dated violent people. I havent hit anyone in a long time though.

  5. Yes, once in anger when I was a teenager (ugh) and once 2 weeks ago when my 'friend' and I were play wrestling and he turned his head at a bad time (it was supposed to be a playful cuff to the back of the head). I felt horrible after both times.

  6. yes ,when my mother was was slipping into unconsciousness ,to revive her.It worked and she thanked me.

  7. Yup, but not for about 30 years.  I grew up.

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