
Have you ever smoked marijuana? What does it feel like to be high

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Have you ever smoked marijuana? What does it feel like to be high




  1. just enhances your mood, feelings.  Gives you a feeling of euphoria.  However...downside is, if you are depressed, then it also exacerbates that feeling, and most times not in a good way.


  2. Smokin' mari.. Isnt like cigrate, cegar.. its sumhow close to a short drink of high sprit..

  3. feels good! a whole new state on consciousness where the whole world is different. a bit numb. mind and body feels like its anethatised cant think straight. laugh for no apparent reason. feel very relaxed and un motivated. dont feel like doing anything, makes you feel better if your depressed. feel love for everyone. BUT it is a mind altering drug and causes serious psychiosis.  dont even try it!

  4. Yelp, and I hated it. I couldn't stand it at all. The room spinned every time I smoked. I couldn't even think strait.  

  5. these are not the right things to wonder and believe me ive seen people who smoked marijuana and there not really high now.

  6. Its amazing, trust me.. I smoked everyday for like 5 months until me and my friend got our hotel kicked in for selling. And i justgot out of juvy after being there for 4 months, and hes in rehab, it will not make you do bad things. its YOU that makes bad choices.

  7. its really nice, you feel all comfortable, dont give a **** about small things, focus on the big things, feel all laughy about dumb *** ****. Its nice. I get all giggly and happy and relaxed.

  8. You wont get high from your first time smoking pot. It takes a few times until you feel the full effect. My first time ever doing it, I felt kinda paranoid, terrified that my lungs were gunna explode, but then I felt giggily. But when youve done it a few times its like a euphoria. Its okay, but I really do prefer getting drunk every now and again over being high. Pot makes you eat a ton of food too, thats why I dont do it much anymore, cause I gain alot of weight. hah. Some advice though is do what you feel like doing.  

  9. well... it DOESNT feel good to be high..It kinnda does, but it makes ME (and i can only peak for myself) feel REALLY paranoid, and really vulnerable, and light headed, and I feel sick sometimes...and it makes you look and act stupid!

    BUT smoking weed and geting "high" are different, Its not bad is you smoke a little bit, but if your completely "stoned" then it feels awful!

    BUT im not gonna say what you should do...its YOUR choice as long as you dont hurt anyone else, then do what you want!...

    I think you should read a lot about it before you decide whether or not to do a lot of research and then see if its for you..

    And dont useYA to decide whether you will do it, because most of these answers have come from little ragamuffins who are trying to impress random strangers....

  10. I used to smoke it regularly though as a Democrat I never inhaled. So really can't tell you what the high was like.  

  11. every day, twice a day.  

    its awesome, everything is euphoric and everything is just better, cooler, funnier, when you're high.  sativa (body highs) kind of make your whole body tingle, and the giggles are not uncommon, along with uncontrollable roaring laughter.  you just feel so good, and have such upper thoughts.  and another thing is the self stimulation.  when you're high, you dont need all the smalltalk bullshit and underlying radio music to enjoy someone's presence, you just sit and enjoy someone.  also, on a more personal level, i find that i develop a deep infatuation with women while on it.  no, i do not become sexually devious and rampant, trying to seek uncontrollable sexual urges, just a deep infatuation.  very odd, i find.  

    and it doesnt do any of the bad thigns that commercials say it does. dont accept propaganda.  pm me for more info.


  12. Time seems to slow down, your heart beats quickly, you have a feeling of detachment. You get kind of stupid and things make you giggly. You notice little details that you wouldn't ordinarily notice. Usually calming but sometimes it makes you paranoid. Get the munchies. You can also sometimes hallucinate if you do too much. Or fall asleep. The closest thing I can compare it to is a Van Gogh painting -- that's sort of the way you experience stuff, but it's not as pronounced.

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