
Have you ever spent Christmas day doing charity work? If so, where?

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I have heard of people doing other things besides spending Christmas with family, they do charity work, I have never done that.




  1. Shelters, I should do it.

    You sir, should not be so attached to a holiday.

  2. Yes, in a home for the mental and physical challenged many times, and also the "Adopt a Family for the Holidays" program.  Very fulfilling!  I find these beautiful people more appreciative than my own family.

  3. Yes,a few years ago l helped out with a charity serving Christmas lunch to the homeless.Mainly men,young and was a wonderful feeling to serve these people ,but l  know after they had eaten,they really had no where to go.l left that center and went home to my own home  and family.That afternoon l felt somewhat empty thinking about all these people still being homeless,and then later that night l went to  to sleep in my warm comfortable bed.l still think about this today.

  4. Christmas Day:  I am coordinator of a Meals on Wheels program that delivers 25 people during the year.  Meals are prepared in a kitchen  5 days a week, and transported by truck 50 miles to our site.

    Christmas Day, There are no individual deliveries.  Meals are still being prepared, but only for group sites in the region and  have to be picked up at the kitchen. Individuals get a frozen meal delivered the day before.

    So that one day, our M-O-W program becomes a group site. I reserve the use of a social room at a mid-rise apt. house which is somewhat central and arrange to pick up those people who think they will be alone that day.  We sing songs, eat, and even have a few presents on hand to share.  We  clean up and are back home by 2-3 PM each Christmas. Then it is time to open the presents.

    There are plenty of other stories better than mine, by people who don't stop in here.  Jewish nurses who take the shift on Christmas so that their Christian co-workers can have the day off.  People in the service area, who run power plants, and farmers who care for livestock...just to mention a few.

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