
Have you ever stood before a mirror, looked yourself straight in the eye, and said earnestly and aloud...?

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... PRESIDENT Your First, Your Middle, and Your Last name.

A few nights ago, I watched the film "Definately, Maybe." In it was a scene where a young man stood before a mirror and did just that.

I can imagine Barack Obama's been doing it every day for the last ten years. I can imagine John McCain's done it periodically for decades.

I and Know in my soul that young William Jefferson Clinton did it every morning from the day he met John Fitzgerald Kennedy until the day he moved into the Oval Office himself. (And probably, beyond.)

And yes, I have done it.

America is one of the few true democracies where anybody... ANYbody can say this to themself, and it IS POSSIBLE.

Sooooo, have YOU ever done it, and how did it make you feel ???




  1. No!   It is quite scary enough, thank you, to look in the mirror and see my mother looking back.

  2. im so going to try that out

  3. I can honestly say I have never done that.  You couldn't pay me enough to take that job...

  4. No, but it's kind of neat that you admit to it.  I would imagine that anyone who wants to be president would have to think about it from childhood almost...drunk driving, fights, affairs, etc... all come to the forefront and look at poor Obama, he is even held responsible for his kooky minister!  I'm sure he never dreamed his United Church of Christ background would haunt him.

  5. Never have done that. But, I have run for elective office twice in my life.

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