
Have you ever stretched and yawned so hard that you nearly passed out ?

by  |  earlier

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( ^ _ ^ ) I get somewhat light headed when I yawn and stretch really hard.




  1. Yawning is the result of lack of oxygen to the brain. If you take an extra big, long yawn then you could be delaying the oxygen flow even further.

  2. lol. You are intense. I let out a yelp when I stretch in the morning its like yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooohhhhhhhhh... and if a good yawn comes then I  will get tears in my eyes.

  3. Oh ya - it feels so good it's better than s*x.  What happens is the muscles get really tight and it drops the blood pressure in your brain.  Doesn't have to drop very far before you feel like falling over.  But it does feel grand.

  4. Yeah, but it is just because of the sudden movement that your body is not quite ready for. Like the blood starts flowing faster. I do that when I stand up after being seated for a while.

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