
Have you ever taken photos of people that turned out very creepy with seemingly unexplainable phenomena?

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*rofl Susan maybe you should submit her photo to the Weekly World News!




  1. i have recently started a club for ghost hunting and me and my siblings took photos for mothers day with all 5 of us kids in it. In every one of the pics there are orbs floating around me, no one else, just me

    PS. did you just see the movie shutter?

  2. YES! one time i was out in the woods when i decided to tak ea picture of me and this girl i just became friends with

    (ihad one of those throw away cameras)and when i got the pictures back in the background i saw a man with sunken eyes and huge grin to him (he was obvously a ghost)

    then i went to show it to the girl so i mailed it to her

    and she never got it (somehow it got lost in the mail)

    then i decided to use the negitives to just get them re-developed

    so i got in my car and drove back to the place i got them developed at

    and on the way there the negitives flew out the window!!!

    ive never had this much bad luck in my life

    till the day i got that picture!

    i tried to go back to that spot... but everytime somethig pulls me away.

    but i will say this tho... it was a pretty exciting find/experience while it lasted

  3. my old camera had some wierd defect where every picture it took had a picture of blinky bill in the background.

  4. Yes, many times.

  5. yes

  6. Yes, I have but there is always a logical, reasonable explanation. Usually it is bad film fogged up or bad light conditions that cause certain effects or any number of reasonable explanations.


  7. like a would-be serial killer? or a supposed alien?

  8. Yes..We took pictures in a house we once lived in Christmas. Some of the pictures in a certain area turned out bad. We didn't think anything of it. Later..we found out each of us had been seeing a ghost in the house. Now we wonder if that's what was in the photos.

  9. yeah, i took a pict. of one of my friends at a bowling place, and she lookedl like there was someone in the back ground ready to stab her, and in the pict she looked like she was a monster off of a horer movie, but we laughed at it, i still hv it some where.

  10. Focus (no pun) on the word "seemingly", there is, OF COURSE, a perfectly logical scientific explanation. Just because you don't know what it is doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

  11. Yes.  Every photograph of my dog shows red eyes.  It's like they're glowing or something.  Do you think she's a devil-dog?

  12. oh yeah, some not so creepy too.

  13. Savannah, St. Augustine and Charleston (SC).

  14. No I have not, but then I'm not one to take a lot of pictures.

  15. Yes.

    My friend's passport picture has unexplained blue dots

    that appear on her face.

    The more that she observed it,the more that they showed

    up and became permanent.

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