
Have you ever talked to someone here on Y/A and they got you a little "worked up"?

by  |  earlier

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this does NOT include people you have met in real life. i'm not talking about to the point where you just had to drop trou and take care of business...i mean just aroused in general. i must confess, i've had that happen a few times...some of my contacts have told me things that could scar a group of nuns for life.

what about you?




  1. Naw...

    Had a lot that just p**s me off though...

    Specially the guy wearing pink panties with a little wee wee and an inferiority complex.

  2. Yes, I'll admit... it's happened to me too!

  3. yes one.....

  4. haha. basically yes.  

  5. After some emails...yes!

  6. I am in a constant state of arousal whilst on here....Cowbells new avatar yesterday sent me over the edge.......♥

  7. I have had a couple of contacts that can talk a really good game...I love them all for it!

  8. Ditto+++++++++++++++!

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