
Have you ever think of giving this kind of a favor/help?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah this may be weird to read (for some of you)...Don't read further if you don't like sexual content.

You will find a dieing man (may be a soldier at battlefield) and he ask you a favor "I have never sleep with a woman before...and I am dieing without seeing a naked woman in my lifetime. Can you show me your b***s before I die?"

This may look like a bad joke. But it can happen as s*x is something special for any human. So will you help him?




  1. Oh, THAT old "I'm dying and I've never been with a woman before story." It's almost as reliable as "I've had a vasectomy," "I'll love you forever" and "No, I've never thought about bonking your sister."

  2. I guess i would, it would be kinda weird though

    Also i would think that he was already suffering from hysteria, especially if he thought i was a woman

  3. One of the oldest lines in the book.

  4. There's been some cases where teenagers who were wheelchair bound were been taken to prostitues because they didn't want to die virgins.

    I guess in your example, it would all depend if I believed him or not. I certainly wouldn't touch him with a barge pole, but I guess I may flash him my DD's if  there was no one else around and he was a nice chap who wanted to go out with a smile on his face.  

  5. If the man was dying, of course I would grant his last request. It's the right thing to do.

  6. Just b***s and the poor man is dying and has served our country? Sure.

    Tracey what kind of wackos are you attracting?

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