
Have you ever thought, "I wish they made somthing that did this" , if so TELL ME!! I need ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I Have to make somthing, anything, for my CDT A-level project. if you have ever wondered why somthing was so stupidly designed, then tell me and, if my desing is good enough, who knows, maby you'll see it on the shelves in a few years time. for example, my friend, who is a sailor, mad somthing for his boat, which no one else had thought of, and now it's fitted on almost every new boat in the country.

right now i'm pretty short on ideas, so, if you've ever thought, "I wish they made this like this..." etc. then TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. A televison remote with a page button on it!!!!! They get lost too easy.

  2. I was thinking the other day they could invent a baby sterilising unit that sterilizes the bottles and then makes up the feeds aswell ( a bit like a coffee machine but with powdered milk!) because it would save a lot of time. lol

  3. How about an expanding LCD screen on camera or video recorder, so it squashes down to 3 or 4 inches when closed, but can be pulled out to say 6 or 7 inches when in use.

  4. A remote control that lets you rewind time and pause time and go forward in time!

    Like on click!

  5. why so you can take all the credit and make all the money.

  6. Oh yeah! I'll give YOU all my million dollar ideas...think of your own!

  7. Promise to give me a % of the proceds if it goes into production & makes you a millionair ?   Yea right. lol

    Anyway an adjustable plastic 'shelf' or 'stool'  (to be used sideways, to make the bath shorter) to be used near the tap end of the bath, so short people can put their feet against it, so they can lay in the bath & have a soak without risking drowning. :-o

  8. Oh yes. I've always wanted a "beam me down machine" as per Startrek.

    It would save all that horrible commuting and polluting the environment with our cars. Would also provide a handy escape in difficult positions such as when she says "will you marry me".

  9. lol tht happened to my friends dad. he thot of sumthing and then his friend was like r u kidding nobody would use that, and then like 4 years later sumone else thot of it and ther everywhere now. i forgot what it was tho..

    but yea, i always wished i could design sumthing like tht. perhaps a T.V as thin as a credit card. or a spaceship or sumthing lol.

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