
Have you ever thought about suicide? I don't know why but I have. Along with this joining the army?

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I know I would never do it but I think about what it would be like.

As far as for the army that comes and goes with my mood and thoughts about the future.

Ever been like this?




  1. think the army thing and suicide are not related.  seems to me like you are at a crossroads in your life looking for something to make life feel worthwhile.  when its a ***** you feel like suicide. when you think you're up for a challenge you think of the army. for my money, don't take the first.  even if you never take the second, you have something in you that deep down you think you can give to others.  take a deep breath and think of all those reasons why you wanted to join and if you still feel positive then do it.  if it makes you feel alive - then do it.  suicide feels like ****.  good luck and let us know how you got on.

  2. I know how you feel. It is hard when you feel like you don't have many options left in life. I recently joined the Navy and I feel like a world of opportunities is opening up for me. Suicide isn't the answer, but I must admit that I've thought about it too. The only people I would hurt are the people that love me the most. Try the military, who knows, you might like it.

  3. According to one Psych professor asked in class about human suicide thoughts....she said that she doubted if there were more than one out of 100,000,000 humans past the age of puberty that had not contemplated suicide seriously at least once.

    Personally, I'd say that should be more like one out of one billion.

  4. I am curious as to whether your suicidal thoughts are related to your desire to join the Army.

    I don't think that I would mention those thoughts to the recruiter.

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