
Have you ever thought about suicide?

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if yes, what made you ?what stopped? what is your sign.




  1. yes..i thought everyone has

    sag sun

  2. Yes, I was in so much pain, people were so evil...dont want to talk about it....

    I stopped, because of God, I prayed, and hoped and it happened...

    Im Aquarius

  3. yes.

    I had a suicide plan and everything.

    My dad just so happened to tell me how much he cared about me. I couldn't go through with it because he's working at a job he hates just to provide for me so I can have everything I have.

    I was going through a lot. I had been depressed for about two and a half years where I stopped talking to friends, a lot of them had moved away. I had no friends. I would spend lunch in the bathroom stall. my mom was really sick (her hair even fell out) and she had to quit her job. our family was broke and struggling. I was dealing with a lot of issues from my past that I had to resolve (won't go into detail but I might have been abused and I'm still not sure). I was just going through a very hard time. I felt very lonely and I felt like things were never going to get better or change at all.

    I just wanted it all to end.

    something happened at home and I really wanted to do it then I thought about my dad. I called a suicide hotline and realized a lot of things that had happened to me in my past were not my fault. it really helped.

    Everything that has happened has made me such a stronger person.

    At the time, it felt like the perfect solution to everything, but looking back on it it would have been selfish and impulsive.


    If you're contemplating suicide, don't do it.

  4. Yeah when i am extrememly bored. I would never REALLY consider it, I just hate being bored.


  5. Yes I've thought about suicide, was awfully close to committing suicide to. The reason what made me stopped was I always was a fighter, no one in my life has supported me, and to the people that once had they are already dead. It's like when you get to a point from being depressed and you can't take the way you're living by suffering, so you decide to make some changes to fix your problems. That is what I did. Never in my life have I ever mentioned it to anyone, and had suffered for about 1-2 years. It proves that no one really cares (maybe they do, but I never told anyone). When I see other people who do it for attention now a days for "fun" to be "in" to get a "joke" from their friends or to gain sympathy from others it makes me sick seeing all these attention whores. I give my sympathy and full support to anyone I recognize has a problem and doesn't complain about it, usually through their behavior. I have no friends to help me, I keep it to myself, cheers for me!

  6. well like i was under alot of stress and i couldnt take it any more then i thought about everything i would miss out on in life if i did this so i stopped myself _____im pieces

  7. i'm ashamed to admit it...but yes...

    the reason why is just because of a stressful life...not  to mention having a harsh, impatient mom. *it didn't help that she was on medication for depression either*

    not anymore, though.

    the only thing that made me stop is the thought of betraying all my friends.

    but i'm alright now ^_^

    -cancer w/ aries rising

  8. nope

    i lov myself too much


  9. Yes I thought of suicide twice in my life time.  Once when I was a teenager, not sure what stopped me than I just did.  The second time I thought it of I was married, in a bad marriage, the thing that stopped me was, I wasn't going to leave my children with this man who would not be a father to them (he was an alocholic).    Since than I've made my life happier and of course made some wrong choices but it's not worth killing myself over.  We all make wrong choice, but we learn from them which is a great growing experience.

  10. Yes, when I was a teenager, I stopped because I thought things would change. I still think about it once in a while.

    I'm a gemini.

  11. yes,when i had to move schools,i had to leave my crush in NY.i loved her so much.but i had to move to Atlanta.bummer.

  12. NO NO NO NO NO! god has all of us for a purpose your important for a reason some people just dont know it...........libra

  13. yes i have and its because of just everything too complicated to talk about but i have when i was like 12

    my sign is gemini

  14. yes, and couldn't bear the thought of my motherless children.


  15. jesus no what's wrong w you?

    you probably need a vacation

    but really you just grabbed my heart... are you wondering if something can be read to be inspirational enough to stop you from committing suicide? please stop thinking that way... i dont know you and im sure you've been through h**l, but pls dont give up

    im a scorpio, since you asked

    i personally have gone through darkness, addictions, fighting, jail and destruction and wake up like a saint over night, after days.... months of the mentioned habits/behaviors...

    but ive had some friends that i had no idea!!! the sweetest trying to be civilized and the best moral citizens and then out of then air... w/o warning attempt suicide!!! dont do it!! i can tell you some stories about suicide and hard lives.... all you have to do is fight through it... your life can be totally different

  16. NO. Dont commit suicide. Give your life a chance

  17. When life gets tough and you feel you can't handle it anymore, that's when most people think about it. But when you realize people truly care about you and that there are better ways to deal with problems, that's when you think differently.

    If you're thinking about it... don't. There's a better way. People are there to help: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)

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