
Have you ever thought about us humans on earth being watched by another highly advanced civilization???

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like from a distant galaxy or possibly another universe or reality? like you know how we look at microscopic organisms under the micsroscrope? We could be those microscopic organisms to another civilization higer and way more advanced than us, and they are looking at us and learning and studying us. Then i though about my(how many known dementions are there) question, and i though, what are the organisms that look at under our microscope to the higher more advanced civilization above us if there is one. maby if there is a more advanced civilization looking down at us under there microscope and studying us, maby they dont have the technology to see the organisms we look at under our micrscope, like the organisms under our microscope we see are in a totally different demension than that higher more advanced one. just like us humas. what if the organisms we see under the microscope are studying even more incredibly impossibly small organisms under there microscope?




  1. what did you smoke?

  2. I thought that this was possible until I found out that the fastest thing in the universe is the speed of light (or radio waves), at 300,000 km/second. Given the enormous distances between galaxies and other solar systems, it would mean that even if other lifeforms were able to observe earth, they would probably see the dinosaurs, or perhaps the romans, at the latest.

  3. You have smoked yourself retarded. Lay off the pot.

  4. Only when I watch the Twilight Zone.

  5. I had an unexplainable experience several years ago when my mother died.  Something came to me on the other side of the world.  I was in Hawaii and my mother was in South Dakota and it told me she had just died.  I was also told some things about her that I would have found hard to believe.  My father later confirmed all of them.  It was a deeply profound moment and there was no doubt in my mind that what I was being told was true.  I even broke down and cried and I had never consciously even considered her dying before that moment.  

    I initially interpreted it in a religious way but it never told me who it was that was communicating with me.  I have often wondered if some superior being/beings are watching us in just the way you suggest.  Whatever it was, it had to know where exactly I was on the other side of the planet and find me.  My brother in Washington State also knew what time she died.  Science doesn't explain everything and there is apparently something "superior" to us that can get involved in our lives.  This thing got into my mind and communicated with thoughts or at least that is how it seemed to me.  I don't have a problem thinking of this as a religious experience but I can't believe that a being that made trillions of billions of solar systems is involved in my life.  It must be something way below that on the evolutionary ladder.

  6. That's why I keep my bathroom window closed.

  7. ----------------------------------------...

  8. You are correct, Sir...

    This is the exact nature of our multidimensional universe!

    But you were supposed to keep this a secret...


  9. There has been a lot of good and not so good science fiction with that as a theme.  I suppose it is possible, but I find that speculation fruitless, until or unless they reveal themselves or we find them (assuming that they exist in the first place).


  10. I'm gonna assume you smoked a little before writing this. If so, what's so wrong with doing a little mind expansion? Better than getting tossed off alcohol and getting into a fight, right?

    Anyways, I'd like to think that there's a multitude of civilizations out there. Statistically it's possible with....

    70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe.

    Who knows if they're studying us. If so, I'm sure we're quite the show. Makes you wonder whether or not they have a stat on how many people we've killed in our history. Maybe that reason alone is why they're watching we won't kill other species of life when we obtain more advanced technology.

  11. A jolly (if horribly long) story.

    But unless quantum physics is all wrong (not all that likely methinks) - complete poppycock.

  12. Somehow I don't think that they would waste their time on watching a pathetic human race of destruction

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