
Have you ever thought about why nights are so long?

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Night divided

By C.S. Scotkin

Most nights now divide

themselves in two.

First held gently

in Morpheus’ arms.

Waken to witness

his demise.

Fill two cups,

one with silence.

In darkness,

I wait upon light.




  1. Join the club! However, this night was shorter; Morpheus stayed with me until almost 4:30 AM. "The times, they are a'changin'."

    A cup of silence along with a cup of coffee, not always so bad.

  2. Your imagery is stunning, and this holds a particular joy, and grief for me. Your last two stanzas.

    "Fill two cups,/one with silence."

    I don't know if you are familiar with the Tarot, but the Two of Cups card is the one that Siren and I shared, a metaphor of our relationship with each other. Now, one is filled with silence. Thank you for reminding me of a dear friend, and also for illustrating that we will always wait for light. If you wait for it, eventually, it must come. Thanks for the encouragement, my dear Ms. Scotkin.

    Blessed Be

  3. Good poem...tight, concise, good images, sufficiently mysterious, yet familiar...good balance.

    ...keep writing

  4. 2am, and I know where I am!  Awake! d**n.

    Cat nap anyone?

  5. Very light, clear & descriptive. Its dynamic, even though you were given a static picture ( of calmness & silence). By descriptive, I meant that U gave the reader enough elements to draw their own picture of the issue,  Even those whose nights divided in 2 but in the opposite direction.Well put.

  6. Do you all suffer insomnia or what? Haha!

    Peaceful reading at to the shower!

    Good morning!

  7. My night is dissected

    By a four hourly knife.

    My awakening

    though bemusing is brief.

    My head is crowded

    With mysterious worlds

    And adventures

    Beyond rational belief.

    The duvet is sweltering

    My pillows are hard

    And there seems to be

    Crumbs on the sheets.

    And lying next to me

    Oblivous to all

    Is my dear one

    Who is ALWAYS asleep.

    boom, boom

    (that's a lovely couplet - Fill two cups/one with silence)

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