
Have you ever thought about your own demise?

by Guest57636  |  earlier

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If so, in what form do you see it coming in?






  2. I see myself living on to around 70 before I develop a complication which causes extreme pain, from which I would commit suicide,

    preferably with poison

    I'll announce my will first before I die, and I won't tell anyone, lest I have any people trying to stop me

  3. Complicated to answer this. It all depends on what kind of characteristics you have and how you perceive your life to be. There one of two ways: 1. You are a person who sees himself as carving out a career for yourself (with or without family) in the hopes of making it big earn a fair wage, have a decent life, in otherwords simple. Then on average most people will tell you (other than the unexpected events like war...) that they will life up to be a certain age and that they will die of some common or realy known disease. You might even consider sucicide or another form of death but it is un the lines of what we consider a normal death or demise.

    2. Or you are an individual who's sole purpose in life is to strive for others and not yourself. This category contains the dreamers, the people who bring about a change to our society, ideas... In this position you can think to have a normal demise like in 1. but more often these people will believe that their demise will be beyond any point of suffering known to man and it generally is. If they do not suffer mental breakdowns, then they will think more often that their fellow humans will either hunt them down shoot them, torture them until dead. They will go through major emotional termoil but will still emerge victorious at the end of it all as they believe that their suffering is a test to prove that they have what it takes to become great in their own mind.

    There is a third group but this will often fall into those people who inwards think really only of themeselves. They generally imagine that their demise will be somewhere on cloud nine or they will never die at all. And boy there are a lot of them around with that attitude. Since it is quite normal human behaviour to think of ones one ideal death.

    Personally i would categorise myself into the 2nd group of demisers.

  4. I don't have a demise because I don't believe in thinking ahead.

  5. Yes.  I will trip and break my neck falling down the stairs of my house.  Between the shoes left lying about and the sneaky pets underfoot I''m guaranteed such a demise.  But if that doesn't happen, I'm blowing myself up.  Why not.

  6. No, I never have, and I was born in 1412...  Seriously, there was a paperback book about humorous epitaphs (the sayings on gravestones), and I think it came from Scholastic/Tab book club.  And most people do think about it after someone close to them dies.  Grief is not easy to deal with.  The death itself, I see you mean.  Not in ages.

  7. I dont want to die. :(  

  8. Ive thought about and been ready for my own death since i was 5 years old. Ive planned out my funeral in my head like some girls plan thier wedding. It sounds weird and morbid i know but i just dont find death frightening....thier are so many worse things that can happen to you. Dont get me wrong tho, i dont dwell on my own death- i live my life the same and i think being ready for death helps you live life to its fullest potential. :)

  9. I've thought about being an old lady, before. Haven't quite gotten so far as my death, yet. Still trying to get over the possibility of being the Old Scary Cat Lady Next Door.

  10. As a child I was nearly drowned - two friends died in the incident but I was saved.

    In military service I have been shot and stabbed and survived.

    I survived a bad car accident and eventually recovered fully.

    I have a medical condition with a 15 percent chance of survival for 5 years and had it for over 25 years!!!

    I have on two separate occasions been given 3 months and 6 months to live and come through it all!!

    I play 18 holes of golf, 8 hours of tennis and do a mountain walk of 20 K with 700 meters up and down every week. On top of that I swim and walk nearly every day.

    If I was a Christian I have no doubt there would be claims of several miracles but I am not and have survived with the help of medical science and a healthy lifestyle!!!

    Miracles are only necessary for the weak!!!

    I have already lived far longer than most of my contemporaries and aim to live a lot longer yet but when it comes it comes and worrying about it is not going to intrude into my life!!


  11. Yes, I have a few chronic conditions, and I can see my

    body handing in notice one of these days. Dear Self,

    this system's warranty ran out long ago, and it has turned

    its toes up. You're going to cease functioning immediately.

    Sincerely, your Body.

    Pits, but not much can be done. We all live til we die anyhow.

  12. Yea ive thought about it before.  Like im more of a suggestions kind of guy over action and sometimes people dont always like the fact of that, and i have actually had someone take a stand against me giving suggestions and that made some other people think a bit less of me.  So if alot of people were like that all he does is suggest it and why do we listen.  Im afraid that day will come when no one will listen or act.

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