
Have you ever thought of ghosts as aliens?

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it could be another species of alien life studying us and interacting as ghosts




  1. No, never have. Ghosts are ghosts and aliens are aliens. Ghosts are people without bodies and aliens are people from another planet.


  2. Given that some people have seen these "ghosts" as people they knew, no... Maybe they just "live" in a different dimension now.

  3. yes, this idea seams to be growing in our collective subconscious......

    Paranormal activity, life after death, aliens, other dimensions, we are starting to put all these in the same box, and making the leap (just like 9/11->osama->Invade Irak.....totally irrational)

    to seeing them as the same thing.

    There MAY be a truth to it, who knows. But I think these topics are totally seperate things.

  4. If I were an alien that didn't want earthlings to know that we were spying on them and slowly infiltrating their society, I would probably dress up as a ghost too.

    I wouldn't put it past those martians/neptunians.... I'm willing to bet they're a lot smarter than us and realize that we would rather believe our house was haunted and would readily accept that explanation over an alien invasion!

    just saying... it's a possibility!

  5. If ghosts were real it would be just as likely that they were aliens from another galaxy as the remnants of dead people.


  6. Nah, we're're just ghosts to residual hauntings. :-D


  8. Do you wish to know the truth? Then take the red pill...

    Ghosts, aliens, faeries are all just rogue programs refusing to be deleted. So they went to exile here in the Matrix among us. Beware! They are faster, stronger, and are able to dodge bullets so if you see one... run! Unless... you are the One.

  9. Some people believe that the UFO Museum in Roswell, NM is haunted by the ghosts of the crashed aliens.


  10. Ghosts are spirits of dead people as evidenced by paranormal investigations.

    Demons are fallen angels as evidenced by paranormal investigations and exorcist accounts.

    Aliens are generally physical beings belonging to several species visiting earth from other solar systems within and outside the Milky Way as evidenced by accounts/physical evidence of close encounters.

    They are distinct living entities with vastly different modes of makeup and behavior. However, demons are capable of possessing any corporeal entity, including aliens.

  11. No, I have thought about demons like aliens.

  12. As a Paranormal Examiner and Researcher since 1980, I will answer your question this way:

    If "ghosts" are Aliens.....then every person on the Planet could be Aliens.  The reason is Simple......the Evidence that My Teams and I have amassed over the years points conclusively to the Fact that the Entity that was being recorded...especially the Audio Responses to Direct Questions...was a real Person in their Lifetime.

    We have found No Proof whatsoever that Paranormal Activity as it relates to Hauntings is extraterrestrial in nature.  If anyone has such Proof...then I ask them to Publish their Evidence.

  13. Yes.

    Just because they are not on earth doesn't mean they won't go to the same place when they're dead.

    It's the same for Americans or Europeans.

    They will still go to the same place, in terms of dead or alive, when they're dead.

  14. I can't accept this statement on its face.  It really makes no sense to me.  Why would beings from other galaxies act as ghosts? Ghosts are ghosts and we are toast.  Or something like that.

  15. I was once coming home at night in a taxi.It was dark and the taxi was travling down a dark road .As we turned the bend to head to the highway we both seen it in the headlights.A white image of a person floting in the middel of the road like smoke.It was about one two feet off the ground.The taxi drove right though it.I looked back quickly and it was still there.It was defenatly not smoke as the taxi would have disturbed the smoke by travlin though it.The taxi driver was shocked and did not want to talk about it anymore.I guess it scared him.

  16. i know that there are ghosts spirits demons but your theory is credible too it could be creatures from other dimension or an alien observing us

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