
Have you ever thought that maybe we have imagined life itself?

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Have you ever thought that maybe we have imagined life itself?




  1. Yes, I have.

    But human sensory perception confirms the basic reality of life.

  2. Yes. Which also lead me to believe, many, many people have a rather terrifying imagination. But given there is no /actual/ proof, that would synchronize with the original statement, and that the proof given would also only be one's imagination.

  3. Imagination is a process of the mind, as we all know.

    I guess you can say that's true, that we've imagined life. We think of it as being the real thing because our senses are reacting to an outer influence, whatever it may be, and this is registered in the brain and the mind makes a concept of what it sees, thinks, and this mental image is regarded as the "real." This is the world of cause and effect based on physical reaction and the limited perception abilities of the mind, that is, the intellect.

    However, the fact is that whatever you do perceive with your senses is at best only temporary, or transitory, in this world. There is nothing permanent about the physical realm, all of which is born (created) and will be dissolved eventually into its original elements.

    We can well ask then, "what is the real?" What's real does not change and is eternal. It is beyond time and space. When you quieten the mind and slow your thoughts, you enter into a realm of peace that does not come from outward things, only from within. When you close your eyes there is no up or down, no dimensions in space. It is just simple "BEING" that you find yourself experiencing. This is the gateway to the inner realm where man becomes a centre of awareness and there is no limitation of time and space. Then it is an inward journey of discovery.

  4. Logically, you will know life itself is not imagined as you could think in this way.  In fact, life itself could imagine that it does not exists instead.

    As time goes by, we know that life is real especially when very good or very bad things/situations happened on us.

  5. Yes. I doubt the accuracy of that statement though. I agree with E P.  

  6. almost everyday actually since my teacher started discussing that in our philosophy class.descartes and hume, and life has been amazing so far because of it.

  7. Cool thought kinda like  Reincarnations a gas if ya know what ya were in the some days i wish i had imagined it but then i am brought back to the reality that we do have to face this mess we call life.

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