
Have you ever thought that the reason for global warming is merely the sun getting hotter?

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all planets are experiencing melting of their ice caps.... so i guess that all their SUVs are what is causing their problems too... haha...




  1.'re questioning the faith!  Shhh...I'll sneak you out of the forum before the green KGB shows up.

  2. Actualy, your right! The sun is becoming hotter and slowly bigger. All stars get bigger the older they are. Global Warming is c**p! Peolpe Need to look at the real science and not listen to a drunk democrat (Al Gore). Sun cycles and natural earth climate changes(Ice Age. Duh) are causing this.

  3. "all planets are experiencing melting of their ice caps."

    I didn't know Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune had ice caps.  Thanks for telling me that.

    Actually it's only Mars and Pluto (which isn't a planet) and we know why they are warming (let's just say the Sun isn't to blame, others have refuted that particular idiocy quite well).

    The idea that the sun is causing global warming has been debunked sufficiently that no reasonable person believes it.

  4. We can be quite certain that the warming on mars and Pluto is not caused by in increase in solar radiation, the warming is due to localized factors affecting only those 2 planets.

    This is one possible explanation:

    Currently solar activity is particularly high, however its important to note that it has remained constant since 1980, except for the 11 year cycle. Therefore changes in solar intensity do not offer an explanation for the recent warming trend. Furthermore the warming trend began before the increase in solar intensity.

  5. 1. If the Sun is causing the current warmth, then we're getting more energy, and the whole atmosphere should be getting warmer. If it's greenhouse, then we're getting the same amount of energy, but it's being distributed differently: more heat is trapped at the surface, and less heat is escaping to the stratosphere. So if it's the Sun, the stratosphere should be warming, but if it's greenhouse, the stratosphere should be cooling.

    In fact, the stratosphere has been on a long-term cooling trend ever since we've been keeping radiosonde balloon records in the 1950's. Here's the data:

    2. If it's the Sun, we're getting more energy during the day, and daytime temperatures should be rising fastest. But if it's greenhouse, we're losing less heat at night, and nighttime temperatures should be rising fastest. So if it's the sun, the difference between day and night temperatures should be increasing, but if it's greenhouse, the day-night difference should be decreasing.

    In fact, nighttime temps have risen about twice as fast as daytime temps during the last 100 years. Here's the data:

    ... and as a result, the daily temperature range has been decreasing throughout the 20th century. Here's the science:

    3. Total solar irradiance has been measured by satellite since 1978, and during that time it has shown the normal 11-year cycle, but no long-term trend; if anything, it's going down. I'll just re-link to Ben's link, which shows this as well as any:

    4. Scientists have looked closely at the solar hypothesis and have strongly refuted it. And, in spite of what Ben said, it's not just one study. Here's the peer-reviewed science:

  6. For decades, environmentalism has been the Left's best excuse for increasing government control over our actions in ways both large and small. It's for Mother Earth! It's for the children! It's for the whales!

    But until now, the doomsday-scenario environmental scares they've trumped up haven't been large enough to give the sinister prize they want most of all: total control of American politics, economic activity, and even individual behavior.

    With global warming, however, greenhouse gasbags can argue that auto emissions in Ohio threaten people in Paris, and that only global government can tackle such problems.

    National sovereignty? Democracy?

    Forget it: global warming has now brought the Left closer to global government, statism, and the eradication of individual rights than it has ever been before.

  7. Fred Thompson is a politician and actor, not a scientist. If you want to know the truth about science, read what scientists write about it, not the spin politicians running for office put on it.

    Yes, climate scientists have indeed considered that the cause of the recent warming may have been increases in solar output.  That's why numerous studies (using satellite measurements and analyzing past cycles of the sun) have been done.  The conclusion is quite clear, that there hasn't been any solar output increase in recent decades that can explain the warming we've experienced.

    While solar cycles have been a significant factor in some past climate change events, they simply can't be linked to the current one.

  8. That's a pretty logical theory.

    What's quite illogical is the IPCC saying that the Earth will continue warming for centuries after we stop increasing GHG's because of the thermal mass of the Earth, and AGW believers saying the Earth definately isn't being warmed by solar activity because we haven't detected an increase in solar output in the last 30 years (actually some studies do show an increase, but they prefer to look at the one that says there is none).

    To anyone with an understanding of physics, if the sun increased in intensity over 30 years ago, the Earth's temperature would not have reached equilibrium yet.    

    The solar warming theory doesn't generate guilt or smugness or self richeousness or justify increasing taxes and subsidies though.


    Antartic Ice, you don't know much about the global warming debate do you?  You also don't seem to know how to use Google.

    AGW believers like to reference the research paper:

    Lockwood, Mike and Fröhlich, Claus (2007) Recent oppositely directed trends in solar climate forcings and the global mean surface air temperature

    This is only one study and the authors seem to be on a crusade to discredit the increasing solar intensity theory and they also ignored the thermal inertia of the Earth without any explanation or justification at all.

    There are quite a few other studies available with a wide range of findings:

  9. Man if only there was a way to examine the spectral output of the sun and deduce its temperature and energy output

    Oh wait, there is


    Here's a link to an article about solar cycles. It's pretty obvious that the sun is a main effect in climate change. Only the delusional could ignore it as well as the agw crowd does.

  11. true... i never thought about that

  12. it could be but that would mean were making it even worse then it could be

  13. All of Earth's climate, including the changes, are caused by the sun.  There is no other catalyst for change, certainly not man.  The howling alarmists here wouldn't agree of course for one reason: it doesn't support their leftist agenda and runs counter to what they've studied by watching An Inconvenient Truth.  

  14. I like the way this one keeps popping up, it's interesting how little some seem to know about science. Still I suppose if everyone had a reasonably knowledge of science then no one would believe the rubbish coming from heartland institute and the other similar groups that are funded by companies like exxon.

    BenO tries to make this sound more believable by talking of physics and  and "some studies" but provides no links, because there aren't any, even the link to the National geographic story which 'deniers used to use as proof, if you read it to the end, the real scientist at the end says it doesn't work as a theory

    And in spite of being able to come up with snappy lines like "green KGB" They seem to have missed this story in the same publication just a couple of months later giving the real cause of the warming on mars.

    And while talking of physics, then there's Pluto a planet? that hasn't completed one full orbit since the industrial age started, it takes 248 years and has an elliptical orbit, meaning if it even has seasons, they would last 60 years each, in other words we have little idea what happens to the atmosphere of Pluto as it wasn't discovered till 1930 and we have only been able to get low rez images of it since Hubble was launched in the early 90s, the Pluto warming theory due to increase in solar output is utter BS.

    While the whole "it a religion" thing seems to make some happy, it seems to me that one side of this debate do blindly follow without evidence and it isn't those who think AGW is happening.

    Matty: Yes there is! it is called SOHO, but I suspect you may know that already.

    Edit Beo O:  you are right I don't seem to know much about AGW, you say AGW believers reference the work of Lockwood, Mike and Fröhlich, Claus (2007) who you say are on a crusade and then offer your own link which you didn't seem to read very well as it is also by Fröhlich and all it is doing is comparing three instruments and the first graph clearly shows how small the variation is even over the 11 year solar cycle 1365Wm2 - 1368Wm2 is a tiny variation. The first graph also clearly shows the very slight downward trend since 78' in all 3 instruments, again this is your link.

    Please! keep proving your knowledge? on this subject!

  15. Of course scientists have considered this.  It's wrong, solar radiation on Earth is DECREASING.

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar climate forcings and the global mean surface air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.1880

    News article at:

    All of the planets aren't warming, just a few, for different reasons.  On Mars, it's giant dust storms.

  16. Wow, what a genious!   You must be the first person to have thought of that!   Wait a minute, Pluto is warming.   Since its so much further away from the sun than earth is, the temperature here would have to rise by hundreds of degrees for any appreciable amount of rise there.    

  17. NEIN! it is OUR s.u.v.'s that are causing it!




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